He sighs sadly, squeezing Emma's hand,

"I wish you could have experienced what I am about to. I hope I find what you were looking for. I hope...that you didn't die in vain. I promise to honour you as best I can either way, by living my life as I choose, whether they wish to be a part of it or not."

Emma gives him a teary smile, rubbing her gloved thumb over his hand.

"Thank you, aunt Noctua," he concludes. Emma waves her wand.

"Orchideous," she whispers. A bright pink wreath of flowers forms against the wall beside the woman's bones.

Ominis doesn't say anything for the moment, which Emma understands. He does squeeze her hand appreciatively before they step into the Scriptorium together and separate.

Once again there is an uneasy coolness to wherever Ominis had touched her. Not because he was cold but rather, the lack of his warmth was affecting her in a noticeable way.

It intrigued her just as all mysteries do.

With Sebastian frothing over their discovery of a book, she slips a letter of Slytherin's into her pocket, unwilling to share any more of Nocta Gaunt's story with him.

"I've been getting an uneasy feeling about this place," Ominis calls out from the lower level as he makes his way up. "We shouldn't linger here. Let's find a way out, please."

"I don't want to leave," Sebastian answers lightly before Emmaline can. She frowns. "But I owe you, both of you. Without both of you, we'd never have made it this far."

"We were lucky!" Ominis chastises angrily, "We could have died. We must swear to never do this again."

Emma studies the large statue face at the back center of the room. A shimmering lens appears over one of the snakes for a moment. She smiles, grateful for her magic ability.

"I see a way out."

"Best news I've heard all day," Ominis replies.

Emma pushes the snake and reveals the hidden doorway behind.

They each take turns coming out the other side, Sebastian lingering in there longer than Emma and Ominis. She eyes him with concern as her emerges into the hallway.

"Ominis, about your aunt-"

"Please, Sebastian," Ominis begins slowly, but he quickly becomes angry, "I meant what I said before! We swear right now never to engage in anything to do with Dark Magic again."

"Understood," Sebastian says immediately, though Emma isn't convinced and she doubts Ominis is. "I'm truly sorry about your aunt, Ominis."

The blonde sighs heavily, sated for now.

"I suppose after all this, I'm grateful to know what happened to her. Thank you."

Sebastian glances between the two of them, before walking away without a word.

Emma leans towards Omins, "I swear," she tells him. He gives a defeated smile. "Tell me, is there anything I can do?"

He shakes his head, "Thank you, but I'd just like to be alone for now."

"I completely understand," Emma says, "I'll leave you be. But I'm here, should you need to talk?"

She backs away in the direction of the common room, tired and wanting to lay down after her torture.

"Emma?" Ominis calls, just as she turns away.

"Yes?" She quickly spins back, fast as a whip.

"Promise me you'll go to the Hospital Wing if you don't feel better?"

Every Shade of Green (Ominis Gaunt)Where stories live. Discover now