Chapter 5: The Music Cultural Event And Exam Trials

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Chapter 5: The Music Cultural Event and Exam Trials

Suzune: Hey, Ayonokōji, the first round of music cultural event is finally happening! Can you believe it? All our hard work is paying off.

Ayonokōji: Yeah, Suzune, it's exciting. Our classmates are really something. They've got some impressive musical talents.

Kei: I'm glad you guys are enjoying it. I suggested the music event, and it feels great to see everyone shining on stage.

Suzune: Look at Hiroshi playing the piano. He's amazing! The crowd loves him!

Ayonokōji: True. Each performance seems better than the last. It's inspiring to witness the hidden talents of our classmates.

Ayonokōji: Suzune, I want to apologize for any confusion caused earlier with Kei. It wasn't my intention to create any misunderstandings.

Suzune: Ayonokōji, I did feel a bit jealous, I won't lie. But I realize now that our partnership and friendship are more important. We've grown closer through our collaboration.

Ayonokōji: I'm relieved we're on the same page, Suzune. Our bond is crucial, and we'll continue to strengthen it on this journey.

Kei: I'm glad you two sorted things out. Our unity is essential, and we'll face whatever challenges come our way together.

At Around Late Evening and Almost Night:

Suzune: Exams are getting closer, and the pressure is building up. We need to study hard.

Ayonokōji: You're right, Suzune. We have to be efficient and prioritize the most important topics.

Kei: Late nights in the library, huh? We're in this together. We'll support each other through the stress.

Suzune: It's daunting, but with our combined effort, we'll overcome anything.

Kei: That's the spirit, Suzune! We've faced tough challenges before, and we'll conquer these exams too.

Suzune: Ayonokōji, can you help me understand this equation? I'm having trouble with it.

Ayonokōji: Sure, Suzune. Let me take a look. Ah, I see where you're confused. Let me explain it to you.

Kei: You guys are amazing. I'm struggling with history. Can you help me remember some key events?

Suzune: Of course, Kei. Here are the important dates you need to remember.

Suzune: We'll get through this, guys. Our friendship and support are essential.

Ayonokōji: Absolutely. These exams are just part of our journey. We'll keep pushing forward.

Kei: Remember, no matter what happens, we'll have each other's backs. Let's give it our best shot.

At School:

Classteacher : Attention, students! This is a reminder that the upcoming exams will take place next week. Make sure to review your materials and best of luck to all!

Suzune: Ayonokōji, did you hear that? The exams are just around the corner.

Ayonokōji: Yes, Suzune, it's time to put our knowledge to the test. Let's make the most of our study time.

Kei: Don't forget, guys, we also have the music cultural event to prepare for. We need to find a balance between studying and practicing.

Suzune: You're right, Kei. We can't neglect our musical talents either. Let's create a study schedule that accommodates both.

Next day:

At school

Suzune: Ugh, it's so hard to get out of bed in the morning. Ayonokōji, are you awake?

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