" U-Uh hey dude... " Lily scratched her head as she received a small hit from Haewon behind her, " I-I mean, hello sir. "

" We policemen aren't that mean, you don't have to worry. Unless you've done something illegal. " The policemen laughed as Lily felt like she was forced to laugh too.

Yoona and Yunjin both gave each other a weird look at the same time, making Yunjin's heart flutter as she giggled at her a bit.

" Ah- Haha! " Lily sneaked a peak at the policemen to see that he was still laughing his ass off, god he's weird. " A-Anyways, what are you here for..? "

" Ah yes, I'm currently looking for two people called Jang Kyujin and Hong Eunchae I've seen them around this city so we're going to every house in here. " The policemen casually said. He held up a picture of Kyujin and then a picture of Eunchae for Lily to see.

" God that's such a funny picture... " Jiwoo muttered from the background as she tried to hold her laughter.

Haewon squinted her eyes as she tried to look clearer after Jiwoo's quiet comment, " Aish... I didn't wear my contacts today. "

" So? Have you seen her? " The policemen asked.

" Uh- "

" OMG GUYS— WHY THE FUCK IS KYUJIN CLIMBING UP THE APARTMENT?! " Bae screamed as her head peaking out from Lily's bedroom with a distressed face, " OH MY FUCKING GOD- " Bae looked back at Kyujin outside the window, " COME DOWN YOU STUBBORN CAT! "

" Kyujin? As in Jang Kyujin? " The policemen looked at Lily with a suspicion that they're hiding Kyujin.

" N-No! Not Jang Kyujin, this game character my friend plays when she plays video games is called Kyujin. " Haewon nervously chuckled, " She can get a bit aggressive with her games sometimes... "

" H-Hey guys, she's stARTING TO CLIMB UP- OH MY FUCKING GOD. "

" Go get your girlfriend! " Yunjin nudged Jiwoo as she whispered.

" NOT my girlfriend but kay—! "

Jiwoo ran inside Lily's bedroom to try to stop Jinsol.

" Can I come in to inspect your apartment? " The policemen asked.

" No- "

" SURE..! " Haewon interrupted Lily.

" This is my house though, Haewon. " Lily angrily whispered to Haewon.

" You don't know how to handle situations like these. " Haewon whispered back before talking to the police, " Yeah sure, come in! "

Yoona lied back on the chair as she groaned. She hasn't slept much because Yunjin was too talkative and needy. Each second in the hospital, Yunjin always needed something.

" You should be happy that I'm not in the hospital now, Yoona. " Yunjin said to Yoona as she observed the police checking Lily's apartment, " Yoona? "

Yunjin questioned after hearing no response from Yoona.

She turned her head to the latter to see her dead asleep already with her head hanging from the back of the chair.

" God, your neck will break. " Yunjin slowly lifted Yoona's head up, touching her unimaginably soft and smooth hair.

The feel that Yunjin felt on her hand was unbelievable, who knew someone's hair could be softer and smoother than real silk.

" Yoona... Woah. " The feeling of her hugging Yoona in the elevator was exactly the same right now. Yunjin felt her heart beating, fluttering and the butterflies in her stomach going insane.

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