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Jade was thinking about Chad all day but she couldn't be with him. She really didn't know what over came this Morning but, today was it. No more Chad. If he wants to be a fat ass, that was not her problem. She wanted a fresh start and decided to take the new job position. She sent her manager the email accepting the offer letter. Yes. She needed this and good luck to Chad. She'll send for her things this week like she said and hopefully her and Chad can remain friends. Before she could clock out for the day. Her manager replied with congratulations and welcome to the team and her transfer will take affective immediately.

After work, Jade called everyone and told she was offered to move out of state and had a place for her there. Of course her family and friends were sad but also know she needed a new start and she definitely needed to leave Chad because he was going in the wrong direction as her mother would say.

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