3 months later

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It was 3 months later. Since that incident with Jade friends calling Chad fat, things took a turn. Chad weight was starting to go up and he didn't care, he was eating everything from donuts to pizza and going to bed drinking heavy cream. During work he would lie and say he had to go help his parents or something came up just to go sit at buffets to eat. His coworker's started to notice his weight and really wasn't worried because Chad was a nice guy and they didn't want to hurt his feelings. The secretary had to order him a new chair and desk because of his weight. Chad didn't care, he started to love his new body. He kept so much junk food in his new desk, every opportunity he could get, he ate.

Today he woke up a little late but he didn't care because he took another day off, yes he was going back to his parent's house to eat. And he wanted to show off his new body. While getting dressed, he noticed Jade was staring to wake up. Since the incident, she hasn't been her usual self, he would catch her rolling her eyes when Chad would eat greedily around her. " Good morning Jade " Chad said to her, he was in a good mood. Jade ignored him and said "let me guess you're off today?". Chad told her yes and he was going to visit his parents. "Tonight's the play, you know that right!" Jade was starting to get mad. " yes, I know Jade. I'm just going for a lil bit". Chad reassured her. " well, not to sound mean, are you able to fit in the seats there?" Jade had her arms crossed. Chad grabbed his belly and said "what's the weight limit, I'm a little heavier now. I checked the scale this morning and I'm 325 pounds". He laughed. Jade was in total shock, she can't believe Chad was still gaining weight. Chad love the look on her face. "Come on babe, I'm not that fat am I ". Jade got up and walked towards the closet and got dressed. She stormed out the house.

Chad's weight gainOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora