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Chad made it to his parent's house. He was still pissed off about what Jade was saying and really wanted to tell her about herself but he didn't want to hurt her feelings. He walked up to the house and knocked, no answer. He knocked harder and heard his mom's voice. She opened the door and was surprised. She let Chad in. " son you're looking so skinny, have you been eating ". Chad looked at his mom and said "least you don't think I'm fat, because Jade this morning was upset about me gaining weight ". Chad's mom hushed him and told him to sit down. She made him his special meal. Boy did Chad eat, he ate and ate, between meals, he said" mom I think you're fattening me up". His mom laughed because his parents were both fat and very overweight. Both parents were over 300 pounds and his brother was about 345 pounds. Chad was just a little over 239 pounds. His mom told him to finished up because she indeed wanted him to plump up some.

Few hours later, Chad was so stuffed, he could barely move. He ate so much food and on top of that he ate dessert. He was bloated. " mom I can't eat anymore, I'm stuffed." Chad told his mom. She replied "Okay sweetheart just go lay down for a bit and I'll call you for dinner".

Chad went up to his old room and fell asleep.

Chad's weight gainWhere stories live. Discover now