"No! I can't marry someone I don't know. I want to marry for love. Please, Mother." The young prince pointed out and sighed. He knew this would happen sooner rather than later. The rope was almost ready so he could get Rapunzel out tomorrow but they still needed something to escape the Enchanted Forest. It wouldn't be save for either one of them.

"My son, you know you have to. It's not up for debate. We and your uncle are counting on this alliance." Caspian spoke up in a strict tone. It was time his son stopped dreaming and realized what was best for the kingdom.

The prince shoke his head. He wouldn't let this happen. "I can't. I already proposed to another. She is a princess too of a rich kingdom. We love eachother and she is with child. Please, Mother, you can't agree to this. I need to marry Rapunzel." He pointed out without thinking about it. He couldn't take it any longer. Alexis wanted the whole world to know that he loved Rapunzel.

Arabella frowned. "Who is she?" She questioned and looked at her son. She couldn't believe she hadn't noticed it but it explained why he had been sneaking off so much lately. Her son was engaged and had a child on the way.

"Princess Rapunzel of the Northern Kingdom. Daughter of King Leopold and Queen Regina. Her mother has her locked up and I'm going to free her." The young man pointed out. He knew his parents wouldn't agree with his choice but he loved Rapunzel and he wouldn't marry anyone else.

Caspian was shocked. Of all the princesses in the Enchanted Forest his son had to chose the daughter of the Evil Queen. "You can't be serious. The Evil Queen's daughter? Do you know what will happen when she finds out? You can't see that girl again. The queen will kill you." The King said and tried to make Alexis see that it wasn't right. "Go to your room. You are not leaving the castle." He pointed out and let some guards escort Alexis to his chambers.


Rapunzel was very upset after her mother had left. She waited for Alex and had already begun to pack some of her things for their escape. She hoped the rope was ready so she could finally leave.

"Rapunzel, let down your hair!" Alexis called out. He had managed to escape the castle with the help of his friend. He just needed to be extra careful when he would sneak back in. He climbed up when Rapunzel let her hair down and smiled as he saw her and greeted her with a kiss.

His smile faded though when he saw her bruised cheek. "What happened? Did your mother do this?" He asked worriedly and held her close.

"Yes. She got angry that I asked her again about letting me out. Is the rope ready? I can't stay here much longer. Mother will surely get suspicious soon. I can't hide the pregnancy much longer." She asked and looked into his eyes with so much hope. She just couldn't let her mother find out.

Alex stroked her cheek gently and sighed. "It will be tomorrow. Don't worry, my love. Tomorrow I'll get you out of here and we can finally be a family. But it might not be so easy as I thought. My parents know about us and my father wasn't happy." He explained and went to sit down with her. He leaned in and kissed her and then put a hand on her small bump. They were very young and it wouldn't be easy to take care of a baby while on the run from Regina and his parents but he was sure they could make it. He loved Rapunzel and their unborn child so much. "How is our little one doing?" He asked her.

Rapunzel sighed as he told her what happened. This didn't sound good but at least the rope would be ready soon. A smile spread across her face as he asked about their baby. "The little one is doing great." She told him happily and kissed him.


Meanwhile in the queen's castle, Regina was very upset about her visit to Rapunzel and had a feeling her daughter was keeping secrets from her. She paced around her chambers for a while before she sat down by her vanity. "Show me my daughter." She commanded the magic mirror. The mirrors in her castle and in the tower were connected so she could check on her daughter if needed and right now she needed to make sure Rapunzel wasn't doing anything stupid.

Rapunzel - The Secret PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now