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(  Just then Xavier, Adward's Bodyguard and the knight of The Dandels Kingdom was returning after completing some arrands given by Adward. ) 

Princess Adeline - Xav! Xav! Do you know where Adward is?

Xavier - Uh Elder, he might be in his chamber. Do you need to pass on some message? I can do that I was going to see him anyway. 

Princess Adeline - Um yes please. Can you ask him to come see me in my yard urgently?

Xavier - Sure Elder.

Princess Adeline - Thank you.

Xavier - No worries, Elder.

Princess Adeline - Bri, arrange for some tea in my yard.

Brianna - Sure, Your Highness.

Princess Adeline - Bri...

Brianna - Sorry Your Highness but what can I do? It's my habit to address you this way and it feels weird to call you Elder Sister this suddenly...

Princess Adeline - How come it feels weird? You were by my side since I was seven! Even when I ran away from the palace you, didn't leave me and worked hard with me to survive eight years together!

Brianna - I know Your Highness! When I was sitting on the roadside shivering ont this cold nights begging for money with a piece of bread in my hand, it was you and Queen Daisy who showed me mercy, bought me in The Palace, gave me food and cloths and later took me in as you Lady-in-waiting. How can I forget the countless love I received from
everyone? The protection of an Elder Sister I got from you, the love of a mother from The Queen. Remember how she cried while hugging both of us when we returned to The Palace eight years later? And how overwhelmed Prince Adward was to see us back, safe and sound?

Princess Adeline - Of course, how can I forget the scoldings I got from him for not informing him about our escape and you weren't excluded either. That was the first time I felt like he was my elder brother caring for his long lost little sister. He was always there whenever father scolded me for using swords like boys and mother always stood infront
of me whenever father rebuked me. But I am sad that you think of me as some stranger, Bri.

Brianna - Your Highness! Why would you say that! I can never imagine to think you, of all the people as a stranger!

Princess Adeline - If you didn't, you would have called me Elder Sister.

Brianna - I have always thought of you as my Elder Sister and my saviour. If that's what I need to do to prove the same, then fine. I may not at once, but I will try to call you Elder Sister. 

Adeline was delighted that she was finally successful in convincing Brianna to drop the honorifics. )
                       ( Adward's Chamber  )

Xavier - Adward, I did what you asked me to but I didn't find anything about that lady. No one's daughter is lost or no one's family member escaped. 

Prince Adward - But how is that possible? Llianne revealed herself that is a runaway of The Monocrom Kingdom. Are you sure you interrogated every household and citizen of The Kingdom?

Xavier - Of course, I did. But apart from the citizens, there are chaos all over The Kingdom, especially among The Royals. 

Prince Adward - Why so? Is something the matter?

Xavier - The Princess of The Monocrom Kingdom, who was never seen by any citizen from her birth, who was also known as a big recieve of The Royals to everyone is said to have ran away. 

Prince Adward - Are you serious? Like The Princess whom I heard about from father has ran away?

It was just too much to handle all together at once. Meeting Llianne when looks exactly like her. The news of running away of a never-to-be-seen Princess. But if something was fishy in this situation for Adwardwas the timing. Llianne was
found exactly after the assumed time The Princess ran away. She stated she was a citizen from Monocrom Kingdom but that night, except The Princess, no one lost anyone. Was it Llianne who was lying it that these two people had some connection? Adward could feel that his head could burst anytime now. )

Prince Adward - Things are so complicated right now...By the way, what was the Princess's name again?

Xavier - Lily. Princess Lily.

Prince Adward - The Princess's name is so similar to hers...and Llianne's actions reminds me of her...Oh master what is even happening? She was not reborned as two people right? Come on Adward what rubbish are you thinking? Get a hold of yourself and focus on only one thing. Search for her. 

Xavier - One more thing, Adward. Elder Sister summoned you to her yard urgently.

Prince Adward - Why would Elder call me now? Did she found something about Llianne? Okay, Thank you for informing me. Good work today, Xav. You can rest for today. 

Adward patted Xavier's shoulders and left. )

Hope you like the characters! See you in the next episode!

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