Another Day Of Responsibility

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Story Description: As y/n is awken to another day, she refelcts on the days in which the Neatherworld was in chaos without her husband. She remembers being absolutely distraught until she started her healing journey.

Y/N's POV:

A few years have passed since my husband vanished. I am used to him vanishing from time to time but not for so long besides he would usually tell me where it was he was going.

Not this time, no he was gone no warning or clues. Nothing was left behind so I could at least know that he was right.

Although I am upset at him, I also know that he's probably off somewhere having fun. That thought is what has motivated me these past thousands of years.

I love my husband I do, but I swear when he finally comes back I will hurt him. Then probably kiss him all over.

He was always a kind person and yet so much fun. He could turn a battlefield into a Dem Doll concert, having everyone happy and cheering in a flash.

I remember teasing him about it and him saying "Never really thought about it, but you could" he said things like small words of encouragement.

If my husband Derkila can have fun wherever he goes, so can I. After all, I did marry the goof.

After letting my thoughts roam as I lay in bed. I muster up the strength and start my day, taking a quick shower and then putting on my outfit for the day.

Y/N's Outfit:

(Y/N is going to be dressing in black because when we see Derkila he is often wearing black whether it is in the anime or the manga)

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(Y/N is going to be dressing in black because when we see Derkila he is often wearing black whether it is in the anime or the manga)

After I am done dressing I make my way over to the balcony that is in my shared room with Derkila. As I look out I see, the beautiful neatherworld my husband would talk about mindlessly.

I also see the netherworld I have made, it feels so special because just by looking at it, I can see the pit of depression I went through at the loss of my husband as well as the start of my healing journey from it.

I miss Derkila, I do but he will come back. He always does and I'll be here ruling this amazing place he has gotten me to appreciate to it's full glory.

As I walk out of the balcony and back into the room. I decide to quickly meditate, so I sit in and chair and start. I let my body relax and my mind wander.

I immediately start to think about Derkilla, and how I met him.


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