A Sweet & Sensual Bath (2)

Start from the beginning

"Of course, it does! It's happening right now, too; I can feel it..."

"Now it's time for your bath, husband," she said quickly to change the subject. "I'll get out of the tub, and you get in... but the water isn't hot anymore."

"No wife, you stay inside the tub, or you will feel cold. Also, there's hot water in the bucket I'll fill up the tub."

Uruvi watched Nawab as he emptied a few buckets of water from the tub and threw it out the window. Then he filled the tub with hot water.

Nawab stood beside the tub about to take off his pajama when Uruvi stopped him. She then slowly untied the drawstring on Nawab's pajama and then lowered it down his waist.

Nawab stepped out of his pajama and then joined Uruvi in the tub, sitting down with his legs around Uruvi as she stood between them.

Uruvi got a clean washcloth and put the milk and honey-scented body soap on it, working her way down from Nawab's neck and shoulders.

She then gently washed his chest, rubbing the washcloth in circular motions, and then his abdomen.

Nawab, sitting in the water and smiling at her, stretched his hand to Uruvi, and when she took it, he twisted her around, so she was sitting between his legs and brought her back to his chest.

"I wasn't done bathing you, husband!" Uruvi complained; it was finally her turn to tease Nawab, but it wasn't going to happen. Uruvi pouted at the thought.

"We can continue with that later, wife but for now just sit back and relax." Nawab replied then took the washcloth from Uruvi and placed it on the ledge of the tub.

Uruvi sank into his embrace, lying back against his chest.

His warmth is far more comforting than the water surrounding them.

With his hands Nawab drew random patterns along Uruvi's upper arm, slowly moving down.

Uruvi tried to concentrate on what the patterns could be at first, but by the time he reached her shoulder, her head was too foggy to concentrate.

Uruvi didn't want to think. She just wants to feel his touch.

Nawab starts the same treatment around her collarbone and over to the other shoulder before dragging his hand back into the water.

Uruvi is disappointed because he has stopped. The subtle touches made her feel divine.

Uruvi was too preoccupied with her thoughts to see where his hand had gone, but a light flick on her clit caused her eyes to widen and her breath to come out in a gasp as she tried to sit up.

Her mind, startled out of its lazy fog, struggles to regain orientation.

Uruvi's confusion is all over her face as she twists to look at him.

As Nawab's hand begins to move, Uruvi's confusion quickly melts into need.

He watches her face with a frightening intensity, almost as if he sees her soul and not just her body as Uruvi slowly falls apart.

Finding something pleasing in her gaze, his eyes glitter, his hands halt, and his body relaxes back into that serene, confident lounge.

"Lay back and relax Uruvi"

Uruvi attempts to be quiet, but a little quiver escapes her lips, causing Nawab to smirk.

She then sinks into him.

His breath ghosts over her ear as he adds in hushed tones, "I want to see you touch yourself for me wife." before closing his mouth over her earlobe.

His hands slowly move up to cup her breasts, gently rubbing the soft flesh in his strong hands.

Uruvi can only accept, feeling his warmth against her as she slowly trails down her abdomen toward her mound.

Hesitant at first, she quickly loses herself as the intensity increases.

It's nothing compared to what his hands can do but she's desperate and lost in her need.

When Uruvi's completely gone, head against his chest and eyes closed, his hands slip away, fingers pulling her nipples and pinching the tips hard for a long moment.

Soon, his hands slipped down, tugging Uruvi's hands away from her body.

Nawab brings one of Uruvi's hands up to his mouth, acting oblivious to her panting breath and flushed skin as he kisses the back of it.

"Lay back and relax wife."

Uruvi turns to face him, her eyes pleading with his.

His gaze hardens, his features morphing into an expression that says no bullshit today.

"Lay back. Relax. Now."

Uruvi whirls around, her back tense and her legs pulled tightly together.

Instead of leaning Uruvi into his chest this time, Nawab gently guides her forward before tilting her head back.

With her head cupped in his hand, he slowly undoes my hair, allowing it to flow freely into the water before slowly pouring water over her head.

Squirting some shampoo into his hands, he gently massages her scalp, turning Uruvi into a pile of mush in his hands.

Nawab clutches the back of her head once more and pours water down her hair repeatedly, continuing long after the bubbles have rinsed away.

He sets the cup down and turns Uruvi around, brushing her hair in a calming gesture.

When Nawab moves in and gives her a nice, loving kiss, Uruvi hopes for more, but she's so comfortable that it doesn't matter.

Uruvi closes her eyes and surrenders to his kiss.

Her mouth is pulled away in an instant, his left hand knotted in her hair and grasping hard, his right hand returning to torture and tease her core, and his teeth biting her nipple as he looks up at her.

His hands destroy what little control Uruvi has; they feel so much better than her own hands ever could.

Nawab's mouth torments Uruvi's already sensitive nipples, his left hand shifting to grip her throat.

His movements overwhelm her body with sensations, but it is his sparkling hazel eyes that have the most impact on her.

Nawab's gaze is filled with hunger as his eyes meet Uruvi's, and she moans, screaming for more babbling nonsense and pulling him tight...
Nawab murmurs softly once they have cleaned up again. "I think it's about time we dry off wife."

Uruvi smiled and nodded. He then got up and helped Uruvi stand before stepping out of the tub and lifting Uruvi out as well.

Nawab gently and lovingly dried Uruvi, holding her and caressing her with the linen, making sure he reached every spot to dry her.

Uruvi then took a new linen and gently dried off Nawab, making sure to dry every inch of him.

Nawab took the linen from Uruvi and immediately dropped it between them after Uruvi was finished, then wholeheartedly embraced her, feeling her warmth against his body.

It didn't take long before they were kissing, and his hardness started to press against her abdomen...


Thank you for reading! Hope this was work the wait!

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