How Many Zeros Are We Talking?

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Quinn's head turned at the sound of our front door opening. I set my belongings on the counter and made a B-line for my bedroom. If I wanted any chance of having fun tonight, I'd need to be fully rested. This whole passing out every time I stand up isn't going to work for me.

"Hold on, now. Why are you home? Should I be worried?" Quinn eyed me skeptically and I huffed, turning to face them on the couch.

"No, everything is fine, Quinn. I just...wasn't feeling well so DJ sent me home,"

My roommate narrowed their eyes further at my reasoning, not buying it.

"Uh-huh...and did he prescribe you with a heavy dose of vitamin D as well?"

I pointed an accusing finger at them and shook my head, "You're awful, you know that? I'm serious, I came home to rest so try not to give me a headache with your AWFUL puns, please," I twisted the knob and smiled at the sight of my bed.

"So, you're home for the rest of the day?! Great! Tonight, we can watch that movie I've been wanting to watch. Should we order Chinese food or..."

Fuck...the party. I wasn't going to invite Quinn because I didn't think they'd want to go. Looks like I have no choice.

"Actually...tonight I'm busy,"

"Busy?" they placed a hand over their chest, seemingly offended "Too busy for your favorite roommate?!"

"You're my only roommate."

"Sure, whatever excuse you want. But please, do tell what is so important you're ditching me and fortune cookies for?"

"DJ has a friend..." I started.

"A friend? Like a friend friend? A GIRL friend..." they gasped and whispered, "a boyfriend? Plot twist,"

"Would you shut up and let me finish?! Anyways, his friend showed up today while I was there and he invited me to his opening party thing tonight,"

"And DJ knows you've been invited?"

"Yes...he's going to be there. Do you want to come?" I shifted my weight into the doorframe and Quinn hesitated, thinking briefly.

" hot is this 'friend' and will you miss me if I don't go?"

"Uhh he's like if DJ was a pastel Juggalo...and you don't have to come, just something to think-..." Quinn tossed the pillow that was resting on their lap and quickly skittered into their bedroom, leaving me by myself "...about? God, you're so weird," I rolled my eyes and fell on top of my bed. I sighed from the impact and set an alarm on my phone for this evening.

I should've asked DJ what I should wear...It's fine...I'll text him later...

~Time Skip Brought to You by Hyperfixations and Dehydration~

"This one...or this one..."

"Huh?" I mumbled, still half-asleep.

"Wake up bitch and tell me which one I should wear to your boyfriend's girlfriend's party."

"My girlfriend has a boyfriend?" I rubbed my eyes and yawned, sitting up on my bed. "Wait, what did I just say? Quinn! You woke me up ten minutes before my alarm goes off!" I whined, Quinn scoffing.

"You complain about everything. You've been sleeping for five hours; I think you'll be fine. Now, which one?" They held up two different outfits, flashing various smiles and poses with each one.

"Uhhh...I think he said something about wearing pink? So, the right one,"

"Oh, he likes pink, does he? Well, lucky for him I look great in pink," Quinn snickered to themself and started to change in the middle of my room.

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