Mind Games

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 After asking DJ what the fuck he was talking about 'hiring' me on the spot like that, he explained like so.

"I saw that you had applied. Or heard more like it, I am not in charge of hiring people." He said, turning off the dance floor's strobe lights.

"How did you know it was me, though?" I questioned. I eyed the floor and felt around for a lever to lower the stool enough for me to get down.

"I heard your name and got curious, so I asked to see your profile picture, sure enough," He gestured two of his arms in my direction.

"Wh-..You can't just look at my profile picture like that." I climbed down and adjusted my clothes after my feet met the ground. I looked back up and was met face-to-face with DJ grinning mischievously. I blushed and backed up unsuspectingly. My hands felt around behind me, quickly meeting the familiar material of the stool. DJ stepped forward for every step I took back and soon enough, I was cornered.

"You start tomorrow, little lady. Not the best look before you start to be telling ME what I can and can't do," He placed a hand directly beside me, leaning in towards my intimidated figure. "Come kinda early so I can...show you around and have enough time to tell you what it means to be my assistant." He said. He stood up straight and stretched his arms above his head. "C'mon, I'll walk 'ya out, sweetheart- Shit wait, what time is it??" He asked hurriedly. I took my phone out and turned it on, displaying the time: 11:55 PM.

"It's almost 12, why?" I slid my phone back into my pocket as DJ grabbed my arm firmly, pulling me up into his. "Wait- What are you doing?!" He quickly grabbed the rest of my things from behind the curtain and handed them to me. I grabbed them and watched in silence as he rushed back towards what I assumed was the entrance. I am just now realizing how big this place is. I looked up at his face a couple of times as he walked and couldn't help but notice his eyes under his shades. It's kind of funny- this angle is making me think I see more than one pair. Interrupting my thoughts, DJ placed me down on my feet swiftly.

"So sorry, I just wanted to make sure you beat the nighttime lockdown bullshit," He said, partially out of breath.

"The nighttime what now?"

"I'll explain tomorrow, but for now, get home safely." He smiled softly and pushed his glasses back up with two fingers. Grasping the top of the doorway, he gently shoved me towards the glass doors encouragingly.

"O-okay well..thank you for having me. I'll uh, see you tomorrow I guess?" I pushed open the door and he opened it fully for me, holding it open.

"Mhm, you bet kiddo. Don't thank me, it was a pleasure having you," He parted his lips slightly before reaching into his pocket and pulling out an envelope. "6 AM, don't forget." He reminded. I nodded and gave him one last wave before the intercom started to talk, warning the lockdown procedure. He grabbed my hand before I turned and placed the envelope in my palm. "Wh- DJ wait what is-" a whirring sound started to erupt from beside the doors and I quickly exited; watching as the transparent doors were covered with a metal barrier, unlike before. "...this..?" I held the paper in my hand and flipped it around, examining it. I looked up at the doors again.

Ohhh the doors lock after 12, that makes more sense. Damn, thought he just wanted me to leave so he was making up shit.

I was met with the cool breeze that accompanied midnight, along with a dark sky and silence. The exception of course being Quinn's car, right in front of the building. I looked around at my surroundings before jogging up to the passenger door and sliding inside. I sat down with a huff, flinging my head back onto the seat's headrest. Quinn locked the door and comically pulled down their sunglasses. I raised an eyebrow and swatted at them.

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