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Livia Cardew had said no

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Livia Cardew had said no.
Coriolanus Snow had been rejected and not only was his pride hurt, his presidency was running on thin ice.
He'd been informed at breakfast that morning by Strabo Plinth, who had claimed one of Mr Cardew's maids had shown up that morning with apologies. Strabo was intrigued as to why Livia was Coriolanus's choice in general, he simply stated she was beautiful.

Not a complete lie, Livia Cardew was attractive, Coriolanus had even developed a slight crush on her in the past only to be forced away by his growing love for a certain song bird. He shudders and shoves the memory away.

As Coriolanus struts down the hallways of the university looking for the nineteen year old girl he prepares for the worst. The Livia Cardew he knew was ruthless and uncaring with her blunt words and nasty humour, especially towards him. In fact, he never noticed her act similar to anyone else. He was targeted.

But as he enters the university courtyard he comes face to face with a girl talking politely to a family who are being given a tour of the university. She smiles as the future students younger sister points at a white rose sitting behind the blonde girl in a perfectly trimmed bush. The child fawns over its beauty and in one swift moment Livia is plucking the flower and placing it behind the child's ear, "here, they have enough roses around here anyways."

Livia Cardew used to be ruthless and cruel, she'd point out a flaw and dance along the waves of mockery as her victim cried.
But the Livia Cardew stood before him was the type of girl who moved out of people's way on side walks, who patted the heads of passing by dogs, who smiled at children.

It sent shivers down Snow's spine.
But he straightened his composure, this was good, this was what he wanted. He wanted a marriage where he despised the other so much that there was no threat of love.

She noticed him as the tours walked away, straightening her spine and her soft smile disappearing, face suddenly hardened.

That was the Livia he knew, stern and stone faced, however now her face seemed more disgusted than usual.
For some reason, the action irked him, he was the future president of Panem, people shouldn't dislike him, his future wife shouldn't feel too much distain.
He wanted to be liked by her, but never loved.

"I suppose you're here about the proposal."
Coriolanus straightens his posture and fixes his tie, ensuring she understands he means strictly business, red suit standing out against the white marble floors of the courtyard, he stood out as powerful, she must believe this too.

"Yes, from my knowledge it is that you rejected the idea Miss Cardew."
She smiles at him and chuckles to herself, a juxtaposing laugh to her once cold expression, "we've been in this university for several years Coriolanus, I even knew you from childhood and yet you stand here unable to say my name?"

"Livia." He whispers charmingly, leaning forward slightly as if to make her fall for his tricks. She sees through his deception and simply nods, carrying on the conversation, "I rejected the proposal because I hardly know you Coriolanus let alone like you enough for marriage."

A part of her feels guilty for her unkindness, as if she were returning to her old ways, but then she remembers who the man standing in front of her really is.

"Well Miss Cardew- Livia, I decided to speak to you in person about this ordeal, I thought it only seemed fit to explain face to face my thoughts." She nods, a part of her knowing she'd rather be anywhere then listening to anything Coriolanus Snow thinks, but curiosity killed the cat.

"You see," he waves a hand over her waist and ushers her into a corner of the garden, her eyes never leave his, watching in suspicion for any twitch or hiccup, "my presidency is guaranteed, in fact it shall be confirmed in only three months just before my 20th birthday."

She nods, simply following along, "however.." he grits his teeth, upset he's even telling her this. Why should he trust his biggest bully?
Because he has no other choice.

Anybody else was a risk, whereas Livia Cardew was the safest bet he had.
Coriolanus Snow would never fall in love with Livia Cardew. This much he could guarantee.

"I must find a First Lady before this event takes place."
She simply stares at him, uncaring as to what this information has to do with her, "so why me? Ask Clemmie, you seem to be close," there's something in her voice, disgust? Jealousy? Distain?

"Im not looking for a close relationship Livia, all I ask is for a simple Union, and it is in my knowledge that this would be in your best interest too."

"Why on earth would I help you Coriolanus?" She tries not to snap, not to let him see the pain in her heart, in her memory. Livia decides the best way she can make him understand is to be blunt and clear.

"We've never exactly been friends nor have I taken kindly to you in the past," she pointed out the obvious, "why do you think my behaviour would've changed? My kindness is extended to all but you."

"Because, Livia Cardew, you've been defying the capital, plucking more than just roses from their gardens. You've been questioning their morale."
He leaned in while he spoke, whispering with a smirk fighting it's way onto his features, "a dangerous game to play, a matrimony to the president would ensure your safety."

This was a threat. That's what Livia could really see. Coriolanus Snow only thought about himself, he always had.

"The Capitol are already questioning your loyalty.. If word got out you rejected my proposal..."

She begins to twitch and sway as she thinks, blowing the occasional piece of hair from her face as Livia decides between giving up her freedom, or her safety.

Livia had a life. She had romances of her own.
But Coriolanus was right, marrying with him ensured she lived and Livia Cardew was not prepared to die.

"Fine. Coriolanus Snow I will marry you, under one condition."

He nods,

"We will not fall in love."

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