Part 2: OREGON STORY........ Apple

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The year was apple. A boy sat in school, pondering his life. "Man, I stink and smell. I only have a one b. In my classes." He cried so hard he almost piddled. The bell rang and he sadly walked to his next class. "Aw snart, I hate this class. I'm so bad at it that everyone throws apple at me every day. My entire body system is shattered irreparably due to the damage the apples have caused to it. I wish there was a way that all of these apples and b's would make me happier......"

"WIAT. Iiiiiii thinkkk I have a plan 😅"

See, the class that the boy had a b in was Cook King. so. He wondered if he could make a restauarant celebrating his apples and bees.

That's right. it's apple bees mother fucker .

But one day, the boy ran out of infredients. All he had was BEES. juuuustn bees. So the boy learned to cook all of the apples and bees into deeeelish scrumptious meals like really dry chicken. And fish bone on the cob. And fried pope (CALLBACK)

And guess what.
that boy. Was Gerad way.

Mcr at the mallNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ