"Uhm, who might you guys be?" The girl asked.

"It's not safe to talk out here, so should we go inside first?" Nami replied.

The blue-haired girl quickly realized the familiar voice which belonged to her adopted younger sister, so she stepped aside to let them in. Just as they all went in, each of them pulled away their hoods in order to take a breath, because those cloaks were just too hot to wear.

"So....these guys are your friends?" The girl asked.

"Yeah!.... Guys, meet Nojiko. She is my older sister" Nami introduced

"Hi, boys!" Nojiko greeted

"Well, it's lovely to meet you, my fine lady" Sanji greeted her and blew a kiss on Nojiko's hand, but soon he was once again dragged away by his beloved boyfriend.

"Don't mind him, it's just how he is", Usopp explained.

"Anyway, they are my crewmates, Zoro, Sanji, Usopp, and this is my captain, Luffy", Nami said.

"Nami....what about the Arlong crew?" Nojiko asked concernedly.

"Well, I have decided that I will officially join them after this. I want to stay where I belong," Nami said sincerely

"Is that so..... I guess you are all starving. How about I make something for you to eat?" Nojiko suggested.

"FOOD!" Luffy exclaimed with his shining eyes.

"Let me help you, Nojiko-chan. I'm this crew's chef, so it will be quicker if I give you a hand" Sanji said while taking off his cloak, then followed Nojiko to the kitchen.

The others also took off their cloaks, and found their seats to rest after the long walk they had just had. Suddenly, Nami remembered about the weapon she had found while robbing the Black Cat Pirates, so she took it out to carefully examine it again. At first sight it was just a normal bo staff with white and orange stripes, but Nami remembered when she used it, a lot of eggs appeared on one side of it and small black clouds hatched from them, then summoned a big thunder and struck down the enemy. This got Nami wondering if it had other abilities, besides creating thunder.

Luffy and Usopp were talking with each other, but they had noticed Nami had been kind of quiet, so they turned to her to check if she was OK. As soon as Luffy laid his eyes on the clima-tact on Nami's hand, he immediately teared up and had a panic attack. Zoro, who was standing at the door's side, quickly pushed Usopp away in order to help Luffy breathe. Nami and Usopp were concerned about him, but they didn't know what to do, so they could only watch Zoro help their captain. After a while, Luffy could finally breathe normally. After thanking Zoro, Luffy then looked at Nami and asked

"Where did you get that clima-tact?"

"The clima what?" Nami was confused at his question.

"Clima-tact, it's a weapon that contains all of Weatheria's technology. The weapon can create any kind of weather you want. Besides, the weapon can grow taller and shorter depending on your liking. Not just that, Zeus is also inside that Clima-tact. Maybe he hasn't woken up yet, so you can't talk to him or else you will have thrown the weapon away", Luffy explained.

"H-how do you know all of that, captain?" Nami asked.

"Of course I would know all of that. Nami, the clima-tact is your weapon after all", Luffy said cheerfully.

"My......weapon?" Nami once again didn't understand what he meant.

"Yeah, it's a weapon come from the future, but I wondered how it got here?"

The others also looked at the weapon in Nami's hand while a lot of question appeared inside their heads, but none of them had a proper answer. Luffy wondered if his old crew was also transferred to this time, but that thought was quickly dismissed as soon as the captain hearing Sanji saying that food was ready. Just as everyone was in their seats, Zoro quickly gave Nojiko a warning.

"Hey woman!"

"Yes?" Nojiko replied.

"Let me give you a warning. Never let your guard down when you eat with our captain". Zoro smirked

Nojiko was confused by that statement of the swordsman, but she quickly realized what he meant when she saw Luffy stealing the food on Usopp's plate, and received a kick from Sanji. Their meal was full of chaos with fighting, shouting and laughing. But the only thing that caught Nojiko's eyes was Nami. Her sister was laughing freely with those people who she called her crewmates.

Nojiko remembered how her sister had always been faking her smile, and cried in silence whenever she came back from Arlong or a small stealing trip. Looking at her younger sister now, Nojiko was glad that these guys had managed to bring back the old Nami she knew. Finally, after all this time, her sister had found a place to go back, a place to put down all of her stress and burden. Nojiko was sure Bellemere also felt happy for her youngest child.

'Thank you guys for bringing my sister back', Nojiko thought while smiling.

After the meal, Sanji then told Nojiko to rest while he and Zoro, despite the swordsman's refusion, would wash those dishes for her. Nojiko wanted to object since they were her guests, but because Sanji kept insisting, she had to give up and let them be.

"Hey, has anyone seen Nami?" Usopp asked.

"Don't worry, she went to visit our mother. Maybe she will come back soon", Nojiko answered.

"Hey, do you have any information about those fishmen?" Luffy asked.

"Are you planning to take them down?" Nojiko asked.

"Well, it was our first thought, but now I think it won't be that easy for them anymore", Luffy replied, and received a lot of agreement from his crewmates.

Even though Nojiko was quite curious, she knew better to not question them, somehow she felt that Arlong wouldn't have a chance against these people. Nojiko then told what she knew about Arlong's crew to them when she saw Sanji and Zoro had done washing those dishes.

During that time, Usopp had taken out a small notebook to write down the important information. Such as how many people on the enemy's side, or who were the commanders, or some advice about what they should do or shouldn't do when facing those fishmen. After Nojiko finished, Luffy then listened to Usopp's summary of the important information before he could come up with a plan.

"OK, so here is what you guys need to do" Luffy said, after received a white paper and a pen from Usopp

"According to Blue Hair, the enemy have three commanders", Luffy said, then draw three big circles.

"One of them is a swordsman, so I'll give him to you Zoro", Luffy then wrote Zoro's name next to an arrow that was pointing at one of the circles.

"Usopp'll take care of the sniper guy. I think this place isn't big enough for you to fight, so you should take him outside. As for the last commander, he will be yours, Sanji." Luffy said, then did the same with the other two circles.

"What about you?" Nojiko asked as she watched them discuss their plan.

Luffy slowly looked up at her from the paper and gave out the sweetest smile he could pull up while saying

"I'll kick Arlong's ass, of course."

"Luffy, what about the other fishes?" Zoro asked.

"With Nami's new weapon, I think she can easily take them down, so I'll leave that part for her" Luffy said, then wrote them down on the paper.

"I have one question, captain", Sanji said while raising his hand.

"Spill it"

"Are we allowed to do whatever we want, or do we still need to spare their lives?"

"Actually, I kinda hate that fish, so I allow you to do whatever you like, but spare the octopus. The plan will be put into action whenever Nami tells us to. Did I make everything clear?"

"YES CAPTAIN!" the crew all shouted in unison.

"OK, dismissed!"

The crew then went back to do whatever they wanted before the fight. Usopp immediately asked Nojiko if she had something for him to make small blades for him and Luffy. As for Zoro, he was sparring with Luffy outside the house, while Sanji was asked to watch their spar. The chef quickly agreed because he figured that he might learn something new if he watched their fight. When Nami had come back from her trip, Nojiko decided to tell Nami about the plan her crew had made while she wasn't there, and her part in the plan.

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