Finding out

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I stand in the line next to Maddie. Mackenzie looks really weird today, like she's here but kind of not here.
"Maddie," I whisper to her. "What's the matter with Mackenzie?"
Maddie shrugs. "I don't know. I'm going to try and get it out of her later. I'm really worried." I look back over at Mackenzie. She looks pale and she's biting her lip, she keeps looking over at her dance bag like its going to bite her.


Maddie told me in the dressing room something wasn't right with Kenzie but not to say anything to her about it. I didn't think it was that serious until Kenzie fell over in the group dance rehearsal. It's good Abby isn't here today and it's just Gia or Mackenzie would have been yelled at and I think that's the last thing she needs right now.
"Hey," I tap Maddie on the shoulder. "Any idea whats actually the matter with her?"
Maddie leans closer to me and whispers in my ear. "I don't know exactly but I think it's something to do with her phone. She was on it all day yesterday and she cried at one point."
We both look at Mackenzie, who's looking nervously at her dance bag which we both know has her phone in it. "We gotta get that and see whats happening. Do you know her password?"
Maddie nods. "Sure I do. Maliboo2412. Wasn't hard to guess."
"We'll get it after dance class." I say.


I don't know what Kenzie's thinking about but she looks like a ghost! It's gotta be bad because she fell right on her butt, she's really distracted! Maddie and Nia and Kendall are all whisper whisper whisper in the corner but I'm concentrating on what Gia's saying. Kenz better start listening and so should the others or they won't have a chance of getting solos.


Maddie texted a few minutes ago saying something's wrong with Mackenzie. I wish there was something I could do but I don't know what. It sounds serious because Maddie said Mackenzie's not even focusing in dance class. I hope they find out what's wrong and stop it, I feel really bad.


I've told all the girls about Mackenzie, we're all in on trying to get her phone, we just have to make the moms leave somehow. "Nia, Kendall, you go tell them Abby's in the cafe down the street and wants to talk to them. JoJo, you tell Mackenzie there's KitKats behind the front desk and since Abby isn't here she can eat them. Okay girls, go!"

Nia, Kendall and JoJo run off. The rest of us watch Nia and Kendall talking to the moms, and then all of them get up off the couch and walk out. I give them both a thumbs up. JoJo takes Mackenzie's arm and pulls her out of the studio. "Get it, Maddie!" Kalani says. I unzip Mackenzie's dance bag and dig out her phone. I type in her password quickly.

"Has she seen a photo that upset her?" Nia suggests. We flip through all her photos but it's all selfies and photos of Maliboo. "A text message?" Kendall asks. I don't feel right going through my little sister's texts but I do it anyway. "Nope. Nothing there."
"What about Internet comments?" JoJo says. Mackenzie isn't allowed to read those, but we search every possible site and come up with nothing that could upset her.

"Hey, what's that?" Kalani asks.
"Whoa..." JoJo says. There's a red circle on the Wattpad app icon. She uses that to write stories and connect with fans. The circle has 102 in the centre of it. I click on it and open the app. She has 51 notifications and 51 messages. I open the notifications and read through them. Every single one is offensive. "You're a really bad singer."
"You can't dance to save your life."
"You have a face like a rat."
"You aren't the real Mackenzie, you're a fake!"

"Those are horrible!" Nia says, sounding shocked. "Poor Kenzie! Who'd say those things about her?" Kendall looks sad. "Mean Internet people who're jealous of her." I open the messages and read them. They're all the same kind of thing as the notifications. "I have to show Mom this."
"Don't show Melissa!" Kalani says. "That'll make Kenzie feel worse."
"No, it won't!" I say. "I have to stop this."

I wait for the moms to come back and then I run upstairs to them and show my mom every single one of the messages on Mackenzie's app. "Don't tell Mackenzie I looked at her phone, Mom."
"I won't, Maddie." She hugs me. "You did the right thing, you're a very good big sister."

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