chapter 4 gala

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The next day that night I went to the house and took my fathers eye makeup. I put on a green dress. Purple shoes and a purple clip in my hair on the right side of my head. I put my father's black eye makeup on and went to the charity gala party thing. I arrived there and walked inside. Everyone was quiet. I saw Bruce Wayne walking to the bar and I walked over to and we both said "one lemon water please" at the same time. Bruce turned to me and said I saw what you said on TV.

I turned to him but kept my head down and said oh really? Bruce said I wonder what else we have in common. He put his hand out and said im Bruce Wayne. And you are? I took his hand and shook it and said Diana. Maybe we'll see each other again sometime? Bruce looked confused and the bartender gave us our waters. I took a sip of my water and said nice hair. Bruce laughed and that made me smile. He looked at me and saw my smile. He lifted my head up and asked, "Why do I look like his ex. I smiled and said are you B? He said yes? I said okay.

I drank the rest of my water and Bruce said do you want to have dinner at my house tomorrow night? I said okay. Wait, are you asking me out on a date? Bruce said, is that a problem? I said I'm a kid. So I was asking. In my head I thought maybe if this is my father maybe this is the time to get to him a little. Bruce said okay. So you tomorrow. I walked over to one of the little kids walking around with the bins and put 30 bucks in it. I left the party.

Bruce pov

That girl that was talking to me looks a lot like my ex. I wonder who she is. I left the party and went to the batcave and did research on this girl. I didn't find anything. So I guess I'm going to have to do it in person.

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