chapter 3 paint a picture

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I walked to the park and found a path on both sides there are trees just like Harley described it. I walked down the path and saw a tree with yellow leaves on it. Yellow leaves were around it on the ground. I walked up to the tree and saw an engraving on it. The engraving was B+Edward. I said who's B? I heard someone walk up behind me. I knew that because the person walked on the leaves and the leaves made noises. I turned around and saw catwoman. I said Cilena. Catwoman said you want to know who B is? Try Bruce Wayne.

I went back to the abandoned school and waited till it was dark. I headed to Wayne industries and grappled up the building to Wayne's office floor. I looked in the window and saw Bruce Wayne at his desk. I felt like an idiot just hanging there. When Bruce Wayne could just turn his chair around and see me out his office window holding a rock ready to break the window and climb in. I'm even more stupid because I don't have a disguise on right now.

It's been 2 hours and finally Bruce got up and left his office. I broke the window open with the rock. I climbed in the window and saw a big long black table and whispered who put the table in the office. That's such a waste of space. I walked around and saw shelves filled with books on the left and right side of his office. I saw Daisy's in the corner of the room. I walked back over to his desk and sat in his chair and spun around in it. I said Daisy-Daisy Wayne? I smiled and before I got up I saw a drawing of the same tree we're both my parents first met in a brown wooden frame. I got up off the chair and picked up the photo and heard the alarms go off. I said he's the Gotham prince Daisy of course he has security guards and cameras.

A security guard came in and pointed his gun at me. I looked down at my chest and saw a red Laser. I held the photo tight. I looked down out the window and saw that my grapple hook fell to the ground at the bottom of the building. I turned back to face the security guard. I saw that he got closer. I had no choice but to run out of the office.

I ran past the security guard and put on a big hoodie and out the door and ran to the elevator. It wasn't working and plus it was a stupid idea anyways. I said okay stairs it is. I ran to the stairwell door and stopped when I saw Batman standing in front of it. In that moment I instantly regretted not just breaking in but not deciding to jump out the window. I said you are real. I ran at Batman and slid in-between Batman's legs and into the stairwell.

The hoodie was big so Batman could only see my lips and my chin. I walked down the stairs and made it to the lobby and that was when I regretted my existence. Batman walked up to me and said who are you? I felt like he was going to take my hoodie off so I ran out the front entrance. I still had the photo and I ran off and I looked up and saw Batman running across the rooftops. He jumped down and got in front of me. I ran into him and my face hit his chest. I yelled leave me alone!! I ran off and hid and Batman didn't find me.

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