Chapter 1( Realizations and Invitations)

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"C'mon Romeo" I was almost there totting as if my life depends on it. I felt as the horse jumps over the fence and he continues trotting to the group. " Amazing job, Ria" exclaimed my teacher but then her excitement faded " I guess that lesson on posting lightly is not something you listened too". 

Class was dismissed and I put my Horse that I was riding today in that stall and started to take the Saddle off. I put everything away and then one of my classmates came to me and said "You can go home early, I can pick Romeo's hooves". Olivia the farm owners daughter and probably the best rider in class.  I took of my helmet and went and got my bag to change out of these pants.

'Ring' 'ring' My phone started up with a call from Dad. I got out of the changing room and accepted the call. "Hi, Daddy the class is over and I am coming to the car". I heard talking and then my Dad spoke "Your brother said that he needs a new pair of running shoes and It is close to here. so I said I would get it after your class".

"Ok, I am hurrying up "I concluded the call and ran the car to see my Dad in the drivers seat." Get in and buckle up" He told me and we were off. 


I plopped on my bed face first and finally I was able to hang out with Sandra after our class. Well, she never really talks to me in the class or ever include me but it's probably just that we can hang out in school. I get on my phone and Text Sandra.

Sandra is online

Me: Hey, u free

                                                                                                                            Sandra: Not today, Sorry

Me: Ok but we barley are hanging out



Whelp, she could not hang out and .... Oh, Kara is texting. 

                                                                                                                        Kara: I did not know u were sick


Me: Who told u that

                                                                                                                           Kara: Sandra said it

                                                                                                       Kara: We are at mall and asked why u not there

                                                                                                       Kara: She said u were sick

  Me: u are at the mall

Me: I asked if she was free

Me: she said no

                                                                                                             Kara: what

                                                                                                              Kara: great she is calling me

                                                                                                               Kara: I will not hang with fakes

I drop the phone in tears as Kara says goodbye. I realized how stupid she made me how much has she lied that I was not free to the group. 

No, she is a fake friend and I will not cry over a fake. 


Uh, that better not be Sandra. I got of my bed which I love. It is themed mermaids and sirens. I walked down the stairs and saw my Dad with a book and looking around outside for someone.

"Who was it" I asked as my brother Revas came out of his room.

"Someone gave a pretty book for you" said my Dad.


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