Update 0.6

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    Hey guys! As I'm sure you're aware, a new month is here and along with some new weather for us all. I'm adding this update to ask some questions and to update you on some exciting news!!
   So please read through all of this update carefully and post your questions and answers to my questions in the comments.

With that, let's get started!

First off, I'm thinking about making some edits to the first installation of the Httyd series on my page. I was looking at the chapter called 'a new kind of training's where (if you haven't read it there are spoilers ahead) Jenny and Hiccup are training. It's kind of just like the movie where it's small clips of them training over a course of a few days, but put into one chapter.

So my question is: should I make some edits of it?

I was thinking I could make it more detailed, make each section (or small clips like in the movie) their own chapter? Or should I leave it how it is now?

So that's question one, and I also have another one...

I've been writing a kind of fanfic that I'm hoping will become a series later. I won't drop the name yet, but I might later 😉

The series is in the Marvel world (specifically in the same universe as the avengers/Peter Parker etc.) and is based on a girl living in Manhattan NY who gets powers by accident and is trying to figure out how to use them while being hunted by a man who killed her parents. It's kind of like the Andrew Garfield's version of Peter Parker, but not, if that makes sense???

And there are fun characters, like the main character and her best friend who's super dorky but their relationship is totally platonic so if you're a sucker for non romantic guy and girl friendships, then you'll love them together!
    I'm also planning on putting in Peter Parker, and Nick Fury at some point. There's also the main characters Aunt and cousin who are amazing and funny.

I personally love the story, but I'd like to ask you guys: should I eventually post it? Does that sound like something you'd like?

Okay, next question:
I was thinking, once I post the Riders of Berk series and Race to the Edge series, how would you feel about an extra book, all about some extra things that aren't in the series. Some super short stories of extra things that happen with the gang? It would also include stories of how Jenny's parents met, and maybe a few of Stoick and Valka, and Valka and Jenny's parents too.

I would either post them once a month or maybe once a week, depending on my schedule, but please let me know how you feel about that!

Final question:
How would you guys feel about a Httyd next generation? There aren't many out there, and for good reason (it hard to add to an already amazing series) but would that be something you may be interested in?

(There are a few spoilers up ahead, so beware!!!)

For those of you who have read the first an second book, Jenny and Hiccup eventually get together (I won't tell you when so that it's a surprise 😉). So the next generation would be about Hiccup and Jenny's daughter! This would probably end up being only one book, but who knows? Maybe it can become more.

Let me know what you all think of the next generation Httyd and if that would be something you'd like to see in the future.

I can also post a clipping of a chapter I already wrote for the book so you can get an idea of what it would be like.

Okay, now time for the announcement!!!!!!! ✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉✨🎉 I have two, so buckle up!

Announcement #1

In a few weeks on the 23rd of December, at 10:00 AM Mountain time, you can all expect the next installment of the Httyd series!!!!!!!

I know, I know, exciting! It won't be the third movie though. Instead, it'll be a short movie. 'Dragons: the gift of the Night Fury.'

I know it probably wasn't what you were expecting, and it was probably not the most exciting news you could have gotten, and I'm sorry! But I've been super busy, and I haven't even been able to touch the third movie yet, but don't worry! I'll be doing it very soon!

With winter in the air, the gift of the night fury will be the perfect installation to keep Httyd fresh in our hearts!

Announcement #2

So I checked all of the feedback I got on if I should post the Race to the Edge installation of the Httyd part of the series now, or if I should wait till it's all done.

I ultimately was told to wait until everything with Rtte was finished, and to be honest, I agree. It wouldn't be fair for you all if I posted one season, and then just stopped for a while. It's just like waiting for your favorite show to release a new season, it's agony 😂

So here's the plan:

I'm going to make the whole race to the edge series, and then post two seasons every month. And then, depending on your answer to the third question above, maybe something extra!

Please stay warm and safe out there! No one needs frostbite on their spleen!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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