Chapter 13 - Onii-san...

Start from the beginning

Gianni: ... hum...

Salvatore: Suki, I am sorry that incident happened and as I already told you, no one plans to send you away. This is your home; we are your family. I promise you that such situation will never occur in the future. (He looked at his sons and no one commented.) Enzo, Davide, Vito, you already had dinner, so I guess, you can leave the table. Gabriel, please, help your sister to serve herself.

Gabriel put things to eat in Suki's plate and even if she was not hungry, the little girl felt obliged to nourish herself.

The dinner was taken quietly and when she was done, Suki excused herself and went to her bedroom. She was exhausted but at the same time, not sure to be able to sleep.

Salvatore was not done with his sons. The little moment at the dining table was only to help Suki to feel better. He decided to change his approach with his sons to a tougher one. So, when he thought that his daughter was asleep, he asked everyone to come to the living room for a serious talk.

When Enzo asked what happened exactly, the head of the family was completely honest and even if they had animosity for the little girl, Davide and Vito were not monster regarding that subject. No man could assault a woman or even worst a kid without facing death. It was one of their rules.

During the entire discussion, Gianni stayed silent, consumed by guilt. Later, he grabbed a bottle of Vodka and Dante joined him to talk.

The two brothers stayed until 2.00am in that quiet atmosphere, until the discreet feet of a little girl were heard. Dante put his glass on the table and stood up. Suki was walking in the darkness of the corridor toward the kitchen. She was surprised when her brother's voice resonated and startled.

Dante: What are you doing here at this time? (The light from the living room enlightened the corridor.) Did you cry? (Her eyes were red.)

Suki: I... I just want water... Sorry if I woke you up...

Dante: Follow me. (He passed in front of her.)

Gianni: (He talked in her back.) What's going on? (Suki turned to face him, startled once again.) Why are you not sleeping?

Dante: She wants water... (He disappeared in the kitchen.)

Gianni: Are you okay? (He stared at her.) Did you... did you have a nightmare? (She shyly nodded.) Do you want me to wake up my Dad? (She shook her head and wiped the tears coming down.) The fu**... don't cry... (He passed his injured hand on his face.)

Dante came back with a bottle of water. The little girl was standing in front of an annoyed Gianni, a bit drunk, and not knowing how to deal with a kid. The guilty feeling of what happened still present.

Dante: Here, your water, now go back to your room... and try to sleep.

Suki: Thank you... (She was barely holding her tears.)

Dante: Eh... nothing will happen here... so relax... (She nodded and left.)

Gianni: Should we inform Dad?

Dante: It's not going to change anything now... with time, she will overcome it... and if she wants to survive in this world, she has to become stronger...

Gianni: Your attitude toward her changed...

Dante: (He stared at his brother.)Time to sleep, good night.

A missing piece... The other half - A Mafia Brothers StoryWhere stories live. Discover now