"He will be, yes. Until I go in for my shift at 3," I explain, folding my arms over my chest.

He frowns at my answer, going over to retrieve his briefcase from the floor. For some reason he has never really liked Oakland. Even though he agrees that his work is amazing, he doesn't like that Oakland has such a "no bullshit" personality. Ford is used to being able to schmooze anyone he meets. 

"And you'll be home around 8:30?" He grunts.

 "Yes, Ford. Like I always am," I say, losing my patience. "Is something wrong?"

He pauses his steps, looking irritated by my question. "No, of course not. I'm just trying to figure out what's going on today," He defends.

I bite my tongue, trying not to roll my eyes because I know it'll only escalate things. "I told you the schedule for today last night when we had dinner, Ford. But it seems like you are not even in the same room when I talk to you lately!" I respond.

His eyes move to the hallway and he gives me a vexed look. "Can you keep your voice down, Evy?" He whispers harshly. "I listen to you, but I've got a lot on my mind, ok? It's been busy at work, thankfully. But I've been busting my ass to keep up with everything."

We both stand in silence for a moment, trying to calm down. He doesn't really ever talk about his feelings with me anymore, so his admission has shocked me a bit. I've been trying harder to have conversations with him, but he usually just changes the subject, or shuts me out.

I walk over to him, placing my hand on his shoulder, waiting for him to meet my eyes. "I'm sorry that you're feeling that way, Ford. How about when I get home tonight we have a drink and sit down and talk about everything?" I suggest.

He looks at me for a moment and I can see the indecisiveness swirling behind his brown eyes. The eyes I used to love staring into. 

The eyes that used to look at me with such love, now look at me with such indifference.

He shakes his head, clearing his throat as the openness that was just on his face shutters again. "There's nothing else to talk about, Evy. It's just been a stressful month. But everything will get sorted out. I'm glad for the extra business I have coming in. I've got to bring in the bacon, right?"

I frown, removing my hand from him and stepping back. He always, in one way or another, has to mention the fact that he is the one bringing in the most income between us. Even though he's also the one who wanted me to stay at home and be a housewife.

I didn't like the idea of doing that though, so I stayed on part-time at the store I was managing in Thousand Oaks, even though he wasn't happy about it. He told me it didn't make any sense for me to be doing a "menial" customer service job when he was making good money for us both.

But here we are 3 years later, and despite working, I'm still having to listen to him talk about how he is the breadwinner.

"Sure, Ford. I'll see you this evening," I mutter, moving out of his way.

He leaves without another word, and I don't move until I hear the front door slam.

I move to sit in the living room for a few minutes, feeling lost on what I should do next. Tears threaten to break through, but I hold them in, quickly swiping at my eyes when I hear Oakland's footsteps approaching behind me.

I turn around, pasting a smile on my face, "Hey Oakland! Everything ok?" I ask, my voice coming out frustratingly hoarse.

He furrows his eyebrows, looking over my face for a moment. "You ok?"

I nod, forcing out a laugh. "I'm good, good. I actually was just thinking that I don't feel like making breakfast. I'm going to head down to Coco's and grab some pancakes and coffee. Can I get you something? Did you have time for breakfast this morning?" I ask, getting up and walking towards the front door.

I know I'm rambling, but I can tell he knows that something is up, and I just need to get out of here and breathe.

"No thanks, Evy. Piper actually made me a pretty big breakfast. I was just going back to my truck to get my coffee she packed," he says, motioning to the door in front of us.

"That's so sweet of her," I sigh. Even though things are not great between Ford and I, I'm so happy for how amazing Piper and Oakland's relationship is. You'd think that they've been together for years, not just months.

It's so strange how that seems to work out. Some people fall in love so quickly but have a crazy connection that lasts a lifetime. 

I believe in soulmates, and wonder often if it's possible that we all have one. Someone that is just out there waiting to feel that same spark the day you meet. That chemistry that is undeniable. 

That flame that nothing can extinguish.

I grab my purse, and Oakland and I walk out together onto my gravel driveway. He goes to grab his coffee while I unlock my car. "I'll probably be back in just an hour, Oakland," I say, opening the driver side door.

He looks at me for a moment, before lifting his chin, "Hope the time away helps," he says, before heading back into my house.

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