(CHAPTER TWO): lights out

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The faint glow of the lightbulb on the rooms ceiling slightly stung Orbulons sensitive eyes as he stared across the room, he was trying his best to sense where his friends- no, his hosts, had ran off to since they went down the hallway, he couldn't hear anything for a while, but suddenly, he could sense the lightest patter of feet through the ground.

Someone was nearby, they were coming into the room.

Almost immediately he slipped away and hid near a wall in order to see who it was Incase they had anything on them that was dangerous to him, while he was an dumb, animalistic blob of goo, he wasn't a complete idiot, so he knew hiding away would be the best way of attacking without his victim noticing.

As the footsteps got louder, Orbulon could see a bright yellow cat with blue overalls walking into the room, he didn't remember what the cats name was, but he knew almost immediately that he couldn't just jump onto him or else he would be torn apart by the animals claws.

Soon, he could feel his slimy body begin to bubble as his face started to drool a bit.

Suddenly, his own, strange goopy form started to twitch a bit as a tiny ball of goo hopped off Orbulons body and crawled on the floor, slowly getting closer to the yellow cat, it climbed up from the tip of his tail to the top of his head, until-


It started to shove itself down the cats throat.

The little blob was basically choking the cat to death as it climb itself deep down the yellow animals neck, he could barely breath as he gagged in pain, for a second, Orbulon was worried his host would die before the blob could even slip through his throat, but he was relieved to see the cat catch a large breath of air, confirming the blob had been unclogged, just what he needed.

In Spitz's point of view, it was a living nightmare where he thought he was going to die, but for Orbulon, he was simply happy that his little plan had worked, that the blobs purpose was fulfilled.

To infect it's host.

As Spitz ran off through the hallway to tell everyone what just happened to him, Orbulon decided to climb onto the ceiling and look for someone he could actually attack without any hinderence.

He slid from above on the ceiling like a giant slug as he surveyed the floor from a top down view, so far he couldn't see anybody, but he knew they had to be somewhere, so he kept crawling around.

But suddenly, he felt a light jolt going through his body.

He quickly realized the source of the pain was from the bright, weird shiny thingie dangling from the ceiling, he must have bumped into it while looking around which caused him to get hurt, once he looked down the hall he also noticed there was alot of the same bulbs everywhere, he knew he simply couldn't get through there without hurting himself, and he didn't know how-

"Hello? did I hear something?"

Orbulons body wobbled in surprise as he heard a young voice coming from the hallway, he knew if he got spotted, the host would immediately run away, he needed to hide, but where though?

He looked left and right in panic before noticing a metallic door on the side, he didn't know what the text on the front of it said (it actually said "STAFF ONLY" on it, but only someone without a shrunken vocabulary would know that), but he knew this was the best way he could hide, he just needed to squeeze through..

In which he did.

Sliding down onto his stomach, orbulon managed to flatten his entire body and slip through the thin gap at the bottom of the door, once he slipped his leg through and reformed back into his normal shape, he saw a bunch of dangling strings all tangled everywhere, the strings were in either black, red, blue or yellow and were all connected to some metallic, rectangular shape stuck on the wall with a small crooked hole on it.

He moved to the strange shape in confusion before managing to open it up, inside was a variety of the same strings everywhere along with a tiny little sticky note stuck in it (the note said "remember: don't let the kids keep messing with the electricity! -Mona", but obviously Orbulon doesn't know that), he looked at the strings before grabbing a bunch of them with his gooey hand, before he suddenly went and tore them apart.

With that, the lights above everyone in the building went out, and Orbulon knew this was his time to strike.

9-volt froze in place after seeing the lights going out suddenly, a bunch of cold sweat dripped from his forehead as he looked around in panic, he has always been terrified of the dark, but knowing the fact that orbulon was scurrying around as well made his fear and anxiety jump up higher then it ever did before, like a RPG character gaining multiple level ups after beating a powerful enemy.

But he still kept himself calm, he remembered his time back on caresaway island, where both his mother, 18-volt and 13-amp were lead inside of a spooky videogame store and how he wandered through the shops dark hallways in order to save them, only to find them all playing Super Pyoro together! maybe this would end in a similar way to that, where he walks around the darkness to save his friends, and then see that penny had managed to bring Orbulon back to normal and that everyone was okay!

So, with that thought in mind, he walked down the hallway with a glint of bravery in his eyes, knowing everything would be fine, everyone will be safe, and-


He suddenly heard a low, slopping noise from above.

A few drops of white slime dropped onto his Gameboy advance screen.

He looked up.

And his heart sank.

Up right above his head was a gigantic blob of white goo stuck onto the ceiling like glue, he could see two three-digit hands and, most of all, Orbulons head form from the blob itself, any amount of bravery he had immediately left in place for pure fear, he knew he couldn't escape from this by now as Orbulon- no, the monster, prepared to jump onto him.

With his last terrified breath, he screamed.


Then, there was silence.

9-volts blood curdling screams was heard through the entire building as both 5-volt and 18-volt immediately started looking around for him, but before they could run into the hallway, Spitz the cat suddenly appeared.

"Guys! I heard 9-volt screaming! he's over there!" Spitz said as he pointed a claw to another hallway nearby, the other two immediately ran in to save him, but before long, more screams were emitted, even the powerful (and admittedly demonic) 5-volt screamed her lungs out, all because Spitz lead the two straight to Orbulon, who absorbed the two immediately after seeing them.

Spitz simply stood there blankly, not even caring about the screams coming from the hallway he lead 5-volt and 18-volt into.

he opened his mouth a bit, a few droplets of white goo falling out.

ORBU-SITE (a warioware short horror story)Where stories live. Discover now