Chapter 10 - Problems on the horizon

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As the diplomats sat on the mat, Shihan put down the document and bowed in front of them.

Shihan: "I thank you for defeating the Parpaldian wyverns and saving our lands from their attack."

Haru: "Ah, no way. We only retaliated after they attacked our fleet, especially damaging one of our ships..."

Shihan: "Retaliation or not, I thank you immensely for saving us from imminent destruction by Parpaldia."

Haru: "Okay."

Shihan: "Anyway, I read the document you gave me. Without any consideration or delay, we agreed to all the proposals you and your organization gave us!"

Haru: "We are very relieved that you accept our proposals; you can sign all proposals here."

The diplomat Fauna coelha then removed the official document containing the proposals.

She handed it to Shihan and let him sign it.

Haru gave him a pen and Shihan started to sign the documents one by one.

Soon, Fenn strengthened its relationship with the Union and the Union diplomatic team began reporting the results of the diplomatic mission to the Union Council.

January 16, 1957/1627

Nishinoumi West Sea, Fenn Shogunate

Sailing through the western Sea of Fenn, the Red-Seal ships of the Fennian Navy sailed under the orders of the Shogun to protect their homeland.

More than 15 Red-Seals ships sail, cutting across the sea.

Of these 15, one of them is bigger, it is the Fenense flagship, Kenjin.

Commanding the fleet, Commander Kushira was with his ship, Kenjin, which was armed with a magical cannon on the bow.

The Kenjin was known to be the most expensive warship Fenn ever built, as it was armed with magical cannons.

Officer #1: "Commander, do you think Parpaldia is really coming?"

Kushira: "Your Wyvern Lords attacked Nishinomiyako during the festival, without a doubt they are indeed coming."

Officer #1: "Do you think we can beat them?"

Kushira: "Even though we are a superpower, we just have to fight. Don't forget, we are elites! Besides..."

Commander Fennese turned, looked at the bow of the ship and pointed his finger at it.

Kushira: "We have a magical weapon used in civilized areas! It can fire a cannon up to a kilometer and rips through ships like paper. That's what we have on our side!"

Despite having magical cannons, Kushira knew Parpaldian warships well.

Steamships armed with forty to ninety guns, frigates, corvettes, ships of the line and armored steam warships, Parpaldia had them.

He really felt anxious, but he couldn't show it to his subordinates.

He looked at the horizon and thought to himself.

Kushira: 'Is it possible? For us to defeat them?'

As he thought, he was interrupted when a sailor shouted.

Sailor #4: "ENEMY ON THE HORIZON!!!"

The entire fleet was alarmed.

Kushira went to the foredeck and picked up her spyglass.

On the horizon, more than 45 warships were crossing the sea at incredible speed.

Those ships sailed with sails on their masts and smoke came out of their chimneys, they were steam ships.

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