Chapter 1

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Your alarm goes off and you groan not wanting to get up.

Hailee: "Y/n come one get up it's out first day of shooting!"

Y/n: "Oh yeah"

I stand up tiredly. I didn't realise it was today. I rub my eyes and yawn.

Y/n: "Ahh what to wear?"

I picked out my outfit. A grey tracksuit. It looks like this but you can imagine it different if you want:

 It looks like this but you can imagine it different if you want:

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I walked into the kitchen.

Hailee: "Hey sleepyhead, you excited for today?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I just wish you wouldn't wake me up at 6am in the goddamn morning"

I smirked at her. She smirked back at me then picked up a banana off the side and passed it to me.

Hailee: "Here kiddo, eat up yeah?"

Y/n: "Yeah thanks"

She watched at I ate the banana and smiled as I finished.

Y/n: "Hailee?"

Hailee: "Yeah?"

I hesitated. She looked at me. A frown plastered on her face.

Y/n: "Uhm ... are they ... nice?"

Hailee: "Who? The cast?"

I nodded. She came up to me and cupped my face.

Hailee: "Sure they are, not to worry you, there's a lot of them and I'm proud of you for taking this step my love"

She gently smiled and I returned it.

Y/n: "What if they don't like me?"

Hailee: "Well then they'll love you"

I laughed. She laughed back.


Hi sorry its so short it's my first time writing on wattpad I promise the next parts will be longer. Remember to take care of yourselves. And thanks for reading my story!

Y/n Steinfeld Where stories live. Discover now