Vora thought back to the lightsaber burns and wondered if Commander Kylo Ren was the only one in the First Order who was what remained of the Jedi or Sith. Vora had kept it secret on the base that she had an affinity for the force too. She'd never been able to truly access it in the way a Jedi or Sith were described to be able to, however she'd heard that it required training. Even though not used at its full potential, it had most definitely made her a truly successful healer.

"Alright, Vora, you're up. Twenty minutes to grab something from the canteen. Bring me back something too." One of the medical workers, Kenar, was holding a touchpad, writing up the injury for file.
Vora had just finished tying off a bandage on a stormtrooper. She jumped up off her seat after giving a gentle tug to the knot to check her work.

"On it, give this guy another check-over and then feel free to dispatch."
She sent a nod and smile to the stormtrooper who gave her a weak smile back.

The canteen workers were always droids. They were friendly and Vora liked to imagine that they pitied her and gave her bigger portions on the days when she couldn't sit down to eat. She brought back two plates that were stacked with an array of food shaped items, mainly brown in colour. Food was simply fuel here. Gone were the days of diverse foods and flavours from different systems. Vora had had the privilege of eating richly whilst on coruscant in the past, where they imported all forms of foods from all over the galaxy.
She would try her best to not dwell on those flavours for too long, it spoiled her attempts to eat the simplistic brown meals provided by the First Order canteen.

Vora returned to the medical bay with five minutes to spare which she used to eat her food. This was done in a smaller room in the back as its not sanitary to eat near the equipment or the injured. When she finished, she swapped positions with Kenar and continued to work. The number of patients slowed down and she began sanitising the bay whilst having a good chat with one of the other medical bay workers, Boona. The medical droids, meanwhile, went through stocks and refilled what had been used in the day so far.

"MT-3 and 4 your presence is requested urgently at command center." A droid announced at the doorway.

Kenar emerged when his number was called. Vora had already grabbed her kitbag after her number had been called. Boona, who was known on the base as MT-2, stayed behind to tend to the bay with the medical droids.
"MT-6 is on call if you need help." Vora reminded. Only within the team did they use their real names. The First Order used codes to discern between people. Vora understood it as a much simpler way of accounting for everyone.

The messenger droid was moving at a rapid pace, making Kenar and Vora jog to keep up with it.
"What is the situation?" Vora attempted to ask the droid.
To which it replied, "MT-3 and MT-4 your presence is requested urgently at command center," as it could solely reply with its task.

They arrived at command center. Vora saw one of the command deck workers was on the floor choking on blood whilst everyone else in the command center seemed to be calming keeping at their work, unaffected by his gargled chokes and pleas for help. Vora ran to him, putting on a face mask as she got closer. She crouched down on her knees with Kenar close by ready to assist.

"Can you talk?" She asked the man, helping him sit up and forward so his face would be leaning forward to encourage the blood to go out of his mouth instead of into his lungs. "What happened?"

The man leaned towards her and muttered Commander Ren's name. "Comman- Kylo ren." He then coughed and spluttered. Vora tried to check where the impact that was causing his bleeding was coming from. He looked terrified.

"I just said he had a bad idea." He began to cry, spluttering more blood from his mouth. "Now I'm going to die."

Vora put her hands to his temple and looked him in the eyes. "I'm going to help you. You'll be okay. Try not to talk anymore unless you really need to. Just focus on breathing." She slowed her breathing so that he could use her as a template to follow with his own breathing.

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