You ☆ Gifting Sleep [Part 3]

Start from the beginning

Asmo: Try not to break your newly painted nails ♡

🐑: Sorry Levi!! I'll give you the limited item I got yesterday after you're finished!

Satan: He's gone already. I can hear his cries along with Lucifer's lecture.

Asmo: Just forget him for a bit and focus on the more important matter at hand~!

🐑: Like what...?

Asmo: Who are you giving that present to hmm?

🐑: ..........

Mammon: Ya! Who r you giving it to???

Beel: What is the present? Is it edible?

🐑: No, but do you have any delicious food that you would recommend as a present?

Beel: The new devil crepe that came out at Madame Scream's is super tasty.

Mammon: Oi! Quit ignoring me!

Asmo: Is Sheep-chan shy? Who could this lucky individual be...?

Satan: The receiver must be a demon since they can't send anything to the human world.

Asmo: Oh! Could it be...?

Beel: Could be what?

Asmo: Is Sheep-chan seeing someone??

🐑: Seeing? Sure... I guess you can call it that.

Asmo: Ooooh~

Mammon: WHAT

Satan: The exchange student not only has some of the Seven Rulers of Hell under pacts but also seduced a demon now?

Mammon: NO WHAT

Asmo: Oooh ♡

🐑: Ah... what is wrong with you guys? Can't I 'see' and gift something to a friend?

Mammon: A friend? Who??

Satan: I haven't seen you hang out with anyone other than us at RAD.

Beel: We're friends, right?

Asmo: Is it one of us?

🐑: Nope It's not for any of you six

Asmo: Awww

Mammon: Then who is it for?!

Beel: Who are you thinking of giving it to?

Satan: What is their name? I might know them.

Asmo: Is it a demon? A witch? Oh! Maybe they're an incubus or succubus?

🐑: .......

🐑: Gtg I need to go and pick up my order from Madame Scream's.

Mammon: Oi oi oi! Hold up! Where d'you think you're going? Who is the present for???

Beel: Can you bring me some as well?

🐑: Of course! Then I'll get going bye!

Mammon: Who is it huh??

Asmo: Hmmm yeah, wonder who it is~

Satan: This is interesting but I need to go back to my book now so I'll also be leaving.

Beel: Is it really that important to know who the receiver is?

Mammon: YES because I'm their guardian & supposed to protect them!

Asmo: Mammon, you can't control who they talk to. Though, I do wonder who it is~ Like Satan said, I haven't really seen them talk to others who aren't us.

Mammon: See?? It's suspicious! Very suspicious! It could be a demon trying to earn their trust before taking their soul! Ya aren't caring enough! We barely even saw this 'friend', they just popped up suddenly!! I must check it out to make sure they stay safe!

Beel: You sure it isn't for another reason?

Asmo: Do you like them Mammon?

Mammon: NO I DON'T! Why would you even think that! I'm just responsible for their well-being as their guardian! If they die under my watch Lucifer will kill me!!

Asmo: I wonder how you will act if they ever start dating someone?

Mammon: I wouldn't care, okay!? I'm only responsible for them staying alive!

Mammon: Got it!?

Beel: They're calling me. I have to go now.

Asmo: I'll also be leaving to get some quality beauty rest <3

Mammon: HEY! Quit ignoring me!

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