authors note (post edit)

23 2 0

Song Credit: Awnaw by Nappy Roots

hi, its me morning dumbfuck. here to tell you that yesterday dumbfuck did something only a true dumbfuck would do, and thagt is completly ignore dumbfucks writing process.

last night dumbfuck realised that yesterday dumbfuck most definately shouldnt have published Redfang ch 1/2. you see my writing process involves sleeping on every decision i make because lastnight dumbfuck is the most creative and best at coming up with certain things for my stories. and if i remember it in the morning then a more rational, not really tired dumbfuck can decide if it was a good idea. i have determined that lastnight dumbfuck was absolutely correct, and i should have waited to publish as there was still more i could do to flesh out the chapters.

if the title says pre edit than i have not finished improving the chapter, if it says post edit than i have. (*cough*thats a lie, theres always room for improvement*cough*)

not spell checked because i dont give a shit, this is an authors note, grammar police. (go waste your time on the actual chapters alright)


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