When she made Brittany back in Europe the model knew about the Latina but she didn't know the whole story and loved the woman enough for her to be her side chick but in the end she was waiting on her to leave Santana and be with her full time.

"Hey you haven't said anything since you got home." Rebecca says as she moves to sits on the blonde lap on the bed.

Brittany looks up at her wife while wrapping her arms around her waist and flips them over so she was on top and kisses her lips roughly as she grinds her hips into her hips.

Rebecca kisses back while wrapping her arms around the taller blondes neck and her legs around her waistline.

Pulling back the tall blonde model looks down at the woman underneath her and bites her lower lip. "Please let me fuck you?" She asked her while Rebecca simply nods her head.

A few days later.

A few days later Quinn's parents came back to New York to watch Devin while they were heading to Los Angeles to confront the Lopezs.

Quinn had to be strong enough for the both of them since she knew the Latina was already nervous about everything and of course what happened between her and Brittany.

The blonde was holding her hand on the plane ride as she hums softly to a song she will never forget.

"What are you singing?" The Latina asks her while laying her head on her shoulder.

Quinn smiles a little before pulling out her phone and scroll up on her pictures and found the video Santana dedicated to her back in college.

The Latina started crying again as she looks at her younger self and how her and Quinn were and wished she could remember it. "Thank you." She sniffs before kissing her lips softly and passionately just before the flight attendant came on the intercom.

"Kurt said he will meet us at the gate with the car." Santana says while walking next to her wife who was now walking with a cane.

Quinn nods her head as she remembers Kurt and Blaine the Latina best friends she met a few times when they were in New York.

The Latina smiles as she sees her best friends and ran over to hug them. When she left the tall blonde woman at the hotel as she was making her way over to Quinn's place she called Kurt she called him crying as she told him everything that was going on and asked him was he involved with the scandal her parents.

Kurt explained to the Latina her parents never liked him or Blaine and Brittany never really liked him. He met the Latina after the accident when she was at the mall when Devin was still just a baby shopping one day and they clicked from that point on.

"Oh my gosh I missed you." Santana says smiling while pulling back from the hug from Kurt to hug Blaine.

"I missed you too." The blue eyed man say before hugging Quinn who accept the hug from him.

"We have the guest room ready for you two." Blaine says while grabbing their bags and makes their way out to the car.

Blaine gets in the driver seat while Quinn gets in the passenger seat leaving the two best friends in the backseat so they could catch up.

"Are you okay Devin?" Judy asked her grandson who was eating his dinner very quietly.

The little blonde boy nods his head before going back to eating. He got along well with Quinn's parents but he never been away from his mami for more than a day or two and was missing her already.

"Are you excited about the new baby coming?" Russell asked him and he nods his head again.

"Does my mami parents not like me?" He asked them while putting his fork down and looks at Judy. He couldn't remember the last time he saw his grandparents.

Judy moves to sits the toddler on her lap and rocks him. "Sometimes people come and go but the ones that stays are rare and will never leave just because life isn't going their way."

"Can I talk to my mami before bed?"

"Of course." The woman says as she kisses his head. "Let paw paw help you take a bath and before we read you a bedtime story we FaceTime your mama and mami."

"Race you to the bathroom." Russell says picking him up from his wife's lap and raced him to the bathroom.

After FaceTime Santana and Quinn had dinner with Kurt and Blaine at one of their favorite restaurants before ending the night.

"Hey there you are?" Quinn says once she found her wife outside on the back porch. She was worried when she woke up and didn't found her sleeping next to her.

Santana looks at her with a soft fake smile on her face as she was worried about what was gonna happen tomorrow morning with her parents. She ran different scenarios in her head but she still couldn't figure out why her parents didn't like Quinn and wanted Brittany over her.

"Please come back to bed is not good for you to be stressing especially for the baby." The blonde says kissing her temple.

"I'll be up in a minute." She says softly as she kisses the lips softly.

Quinn nods her head before walking back upstairs to the guest room and sat on the edge of the bed. She been down this road before and just hopes it will be easier then before.

Between Two Loves(Quinntana) ON HOLDOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant