Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

It's been a week from using the Life light. And I must say that I was not expecting it to take so much out of me. My master took this overwhelming tired in my body and decided to work me double time. Now personally I wouldn't let anyone work me like that but obviously him being my master its all his choice and none of mine. I was in no way prepared for the 'surprise' to Master had hidden for me today. The slight idea of being caught unaware unnerved me. A lot. Even though he had dropped hints I was still not ready for this new 'mission' as he called it. I was barely able to push Life light through my body much less be caught unaware of anything. It's just not good for a Theif's nerves.

Most people might call this exagerrating but not in any way was this exaggerating for me. This was something every theif never wanted to do. We would go through various things to get out of going on our first 'mission'. This was just something every single one of us dreaded. I was having a hard time breathing and a VERY hard time keeping my self under control. As I was saying before we would go through anything to not do our first mission. We would take the beatings,the physical,the emotional, any type of pain to get out of it but we could never stop this from happening. It was something that was required of every single person who was qualified a theif. Even a failed theif had to do a mission before being dropped to another class. 

If many people haven't noticed I am not allowed to go home. I live next to my master. I don't sleep. I don't eat. I also don't have time for my self. Showering was something that we we're all allowed to do but thats it. Most theives are men for that reason. Women don't ever want to give up their vanity to help prevent the loss of an important person in our society. I was willing so that I could prove them all wrong. All the people who ever doubted me. Who ever shamed me. All of them were going to be sorry and that was enough to make many sacrifises. But giving up vanity was something that I could live with. My looks were meant to kill not to attract men to me. Men and boys were the same thing to me. I would life forever and some would die. Some people will leave,die, and run away.These people try to escape their fate but they always underestimate fate.

You can't out run it. You can cry to it. You can do many things but yet then again nothing is ever going to let you leave. No one wants people to leave but life's like a stage do your talent and then it's time to go. Come back for the finally and wait to see the winner. Some people like that thrill and thats's why they become the Damisons. Damisons are the people who try to shower people with wisdom about life. But they don't just sit down and explain life for you. They are the people who go through the hardest things in life and show wisdom at a very early age. But backing up back to the first mission thing. I started to think about the hints I was given when the dark door swung open to reveal those glowing eyes that are vey captivating. But today they had no hardness in them. They had no need to show and teach me but instead they held slight worry in them.


I flinched as he spoke my name. He usually calls me Caroline. Not Carolina. Yes I am in fact named after a state. Thank God that my  parents didn't name me South Carolina. I started to space but them noticed my master waiting for me to hear him.


"As you know the mission is today." I flinched. Again. "I will explain the mission to you." I nodded yet again.

"The mission will be based on all that you have learned and invovle you with the people outside of these walls. You will have to blend into a werewolf class and you will be a beta for an alpha. This is a mission involving the Alde-Luna Clan. This clan has no idea that you are blending in and this mission will be the rest of the work for the year and summer. You must blend and only be able to werewolf them. That meaning that you are NOT to shift into another animal hear me? The schedule for you will be easy the basic human classes that you took in middle school that are standard for high school. And the for the 7th period you are to go to room 36-S. This is going to be your werewolf class. The people there are going to notice you lacking in the scent so you must lock into the werewolf shape for the whole day and you will be going home and coming to school. Like a normal attendant here."

I gulped as he paused in some of the sentaences. I was going to have to blend?! BLEND?! You see in this school blending isn't about fiting in. Blending is about makng your self a whole other person and standing out as that person and not as the person you use to be. I looked back up to see my master and he looked at me and then walked through the darken room that had some stained windows of blood. Some stained floors of blod and may other things stained with my blood. Yes. MY blood. Being a theif involved losing a lot of blood voluntarily. Meaning taking the beatings of your master because they feel the need to vent anger and frustration on a person. Which to many people seemed really bad but to the people who went through the preporation it was never worse than the first time. The first time the teacher vents all the emotions they have locked away and they vent on their students boody. The teachers some times bleed because of how hard they are hitting the students and each whip and each stibg has to be silent or else they whip you longer and harder.

Theives are meant to take the beatings silently. They are meant to sound like they are dead. I snapped back to see Master holding a big brown bag in front of him. He handed me the heavy bag and motioned for me to sit down with him. He smiled at me and then he opened the box. The box revealed a whole wardrobe and a huge bunch of cosmetics. Hair dye, acsscories, glasses, pants, shirts, brushes, jewlery, and so much more in there. It was a never ending bag of things that were filled of them. I looked up at my master almost asking him with my eyes what all of these things meant. 

"They are for you. These are the things that I bought when I finally taught a girl. And you were far beyond better than all the money it took to buy these things." He smiled and then handed me something cool and metal. It was a rectangle with a button on the screen near the button. I started at it in confusion. Master must have saw this because he chuckled before pressing the button and the screen blink on with a symbol in the background. I just stared at it. 

"Its an Ipod. I have thrown some music into it. Hope you like it. I also bought you a laptop. Mac. These things will run through your brain. The idea of using them will come back to you in seconds."

His voiced filled with laughter. At me. I glared down at the thing waiting for it. Then in  a snap I knew what it was. I knew how to use it and I already knew every single song in there by heart. I knew them all. In a flash the world caught up with me and I walked to Master. I had no intention of leaving this room without a hug. I would see him in a year. This was how it was going to be. Leaving and coming back for 3 more years not counting my years of coming. Walking closer to Master he knew what I wanted and nodded at me. With certain precaution I walked closer to him and hugged him gently. I was going to leave the world I was waiting for all of my life in just a few hours.

I turned as the sound of my name to hear him throw something that sounded like....Keys! I snatched from the air before they landed on my face and smikred at Master before walking to the doors. The school already empty. Trainning for me never stopped at the sound of a bell. Never would either. I drove to the house to see that my father was not home. I grabbed my spare key from the house and walked into the house. So clean and the air crisp. But the house not lived in yet. Everything like I left it. I walked to my room dropping the huge never ending bag on the floor and then shifted in the werewolf I would be making sure to have white fur with bright blue eyes and a spot on my rigth eye that oh so happened to be brown.

This was the shape that I was doomed to stay in a year. Each of those days would be discribed by the fine detail of my mind and memory. I threw my tired body on to the bed but sleep was not something I was use to even in a differant shape. I guess now was a good time to just stay and stare like a vampire due to their lack of sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2011 ⏰

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