-Chapter 4| Injuries-

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You woke up in pile of grass mixed with flowers deep inside the forest. That was odd, it wasn't a dream. Right? You touched the back of your head and held something cold tun down your fingertips. You pulled your hand back immediately.
"What the fuck?.. shit how long as it been?", you muttered to yourself touching the grass as your vision faded in and out.

It took you a few moments to process that your head was bleeding, well fuck. You looked around the area and noticed that you weren't were the tree was last at, you were now lost. Amazing.

You grabbed onto a nearby tree and gently pulled yourself up. Your head ached with every movement you took. After maybe 46 seconds of trying you collapsed on the ground.
"Wouldn't this be an awkward position for people to find me in, where's my phone?", you mumbled reaching for your back pocket. Noticing it wasn't there you looked around franticly.

You then saw your phone laying off to the side shattered to bits. Now you were screwed.

You continued to crawl around because standing and walking caused you a migraine. You then reach a river.
"Wasn't there a story about following rivers and stuff?", you questioned yourself and your knowledge as you leaned into the river. You then fell into the water. Great idea.

     You didn't even bother trying to drag yourself out as you floated along the calm and gentle current. Then at one point you fell asleep.


You woke up again hung up against a rock. Your clothes were wet, and your hair looked like an eagle decided to attack you.

     "How many days have passed? Or time?", you muttered as you tried to stand up. Then your legs buckled causing you to fall down again.
     You felt like giving up, your legs were bruised, your head was still covered in blood, you were pretty sure you broke a bone, you were a mess, and your socks were wet.

    Once again you attempted to stand up, this time you were fairly successful. You took baby steps making sure to grab onto anything and everything when you walked slowly.
     Sooner or later you progressed to a point where you could limp-walk.

    You then almost broke down as you saw the same tree you got knocked out next to. You then without thinking began sprinting to the way you knew led you out. For some reason you didn't even bother to question who knocked you out.
    Then along the way you feel down a hill and hit a rock after rolling down a steep hill. You held your wrist which you used to post against the rock.

Now you've broken a bone.

    The voice didn't even bother you anymore as you held your broken or sprained wrist. You couldn't tell at this point but the pain was unbearable. Before anything Julie spotted you.

    "Hey! You! What did sally nickname you? Jellie? Jellie? Are you okay y/n?!", Julie asked in a very worried tone as she ran to you and kneeled besides you.

     "How long was I gone for?", you asked confused. Julie returned the same concerned and confused look. "You were assigned to work on computers from your office three days ago. Have you been missing?!", Julie asked now completely worried as she looked around you. You quickly hid your broken wrist.
    "What no! I'm just messing with you, I accidentally slipped when going for a walk.", you said in the most convincing tone possible. Julie seemed to believe you.

     Julie just calmly walked back with you to your dorm. Your legs were killing you as every step you took felt like walking on sharp needles. Every part in your body was being pushed to the max as you felt every second as hell.

    Eventually Julie dropped you off. You sat lm your bed as you sighed out in relief. You fixed your hair with the one hand you had. You began to finally cry, this pain was unbearable.

"Y/n L/n report to my office immediately.", the intercom spoke out. It sounded like Wally's voice.

    You made your way to his office slowly, hopefully it would be easy to hide the injuries from him too.
    You knocked on his door before opening it.
"You called sir?", "I did. Sit do-", Wally cut himself off as he looked you up and down.

    "What the fuck happened to you.", he said as he immediately stood ip and walked towards you. He gently grabbed your broken wrist as to drag you a bit closer, but that caused you to just grunt as you covered your mouth with your other hand.
    "Your wrist.. okay we'll talk later, just here. We need you to go to the infirmary, like NOW.", Wally made it clear was he needed. He began rushing you but then noticed your head injury as he walked behind you.

     "How interesting, you aren't dead yet?", he murmured getting slightly side tracked. Wally's senses finally came to him as he realized it may be hard for you to walk. He hennaed a wheelchair and sat you down lm it before taking you to the infirmary.

     "Hi Walden dear what d-", poppy was about to say until she let out a gasp. She didn't question anything as she immediately took you in and began taking care of you.

Walden/wallys POV

    "They're so stupid. How does anyone even fuck themselves up that badly?", I mumbled to myself as I paced around the waiting area. I guess my questioning would have to wait.
    Come to think of it, I knew something felt off. Hopefully their okay, but still it's their fault for being so dumb. Why did I even hire them? Never mind I remember.

     I stayed there for maybe another 30 minutes before leaving back to my office to get back to work. They'll be fine, if they die I'll just replace them. That'll be hard starting from scratch with the selection part. Especially when I'm differing it from personal and work issues.
    "Mr. Darling!", I heard a voice call out. Great my train of thought interrupted.

     "Come in!"

I like writing. It's so silly n fun
I also love undertake.

 It's so silly n funI also love undertake

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