-Chapter 1|Sounds-

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     You awkwardly enter a room to be interviewed for your new job. The room is dull and quiet, it looks more like an interrogation room.

     "Ah hello, you must be the new hire. Mx.L/N?" A man said as he walked into the room. The room was oddly cold to add.

     "Hi, that's me." You said, the man nodded as he looked at you. "ID?", He just asked.
     You calmly reached in your pocket for your wallet, then handed him the ID. He looked over it for a moment or so before nodding. He then handed it back to you and said, "you're hired, congrats."

Timeskip, later that day
     "Every story has a start and finish, not all are happy." A worker who was now showing you you're dorm said. You were pretty sure they were just trying to spook you.

     "Here you are." The worker said opening the door, but before they could say anything else you slammed the door in their face.

     "That was awfully annoying." You muttered to yourself, annoyed with the encounter.

You decided that you should unpack at the moment to get it out of the way.
"Isn't this a factory involving colors? Didn't they even check the fact that on my resume it says I'm colorblind? What part am I even working for? Why'd they even hire me?" You thought to yourself as you continued to unpack.
All these questions seemed overwhelming. Yet it was only your first day.

After a while you finished unloading all your items, "hm. Maybe I should look around for a bit." You muttered to yourself.

Then within a blink of an eye you were off to go explore the factory. Ever since you were a kid you adored looking around and looking for new textures. Since you were colorblind for as long as you can remember, you loved being able to feel things.
It made up for the fact that you could see colors. Those funny commercial ads didn't get to you either since you couldn't be moved by the colors.

You continued to walk around the surprisingly noisy factory. Then you bump into a woman with a lighter shade of grey type hair.

"Oh I'm so sorry!", you said quickly. You didn't want to cause any trouble on your first day.

"It's alright no worries, you're new around here huh? I'm sally!", sally said in a cheerful tone. Which seemed to brighten to dead atmosphere.

"I'm y/n, y/n l/n.", you responded with. You tried your best to keep your body language open and friendly, you heard a podcast about it a while back.
"Hm, I like your name. It sounds like a nice name that would fit you. I'll catch you around!", Sally said with a grin. Then she walked away.

"What an interesting person. Her voice sounds like it's a fiery passion, orange red maybe." ,You thought to yourself.
     Then you realize when you bumped into Wally you dropped your phone. You quickly grabbed it not wanting to cause a scene any longer.

     After a while of walking you went back to your dorm. Then you realized that you hadn't grabbed your phone. You're phone had a mini texture of a vine imprinted on the side so you could tell the difference.
    Then you heard a knock at your door.

     "Hey Y/n, I just wanted to warn you that our main boss is a bit pisses right now." Sally said before opening the door with a soft smile.
"Why?" You calmly asked.

"I guess he lost, or he says "someone stole" his phone." Sally shrugged. "I just wanted to warn you to stay on his good side.", sally added before calmly closing the door.

Not even 10 minutes later someone bursted through your door.

"Hi?" You asked in a gentle tone, the man had his hair in a ponytail and his hair reminded you of cinnamon rolls from Cinnabon.
"You stole my phone.", he grumbled. Suddenly you were being picked up in the air by the collar.

"Just wondering, I'm really dense so is this an attempt of flirt-", you were cut off by the man dropping you on the ground.
You rubbed your head gently, that must've hurt.

"Since you're the new hire I'll be nice. I swear all of you are completely blind.", he grumbled annoyed as he picked up his phone.

I can't pick up on his color. It sounds, dead.

"You're different.", you muttered to yourself as you admired the man. He was unique, and for once you couldn't pinpoint what color he'd be.

The man flat out ignored you and left your dorm. Then in a moment or so sally entered. "Are you alright?!", she asked in a worried tone.
"He doesn't have a color like you do. Or like anyone else I've met has.", you softly muttered under your breath.

"Are you crazy?! That was Walden, Walden darling!! Do you just tell what peoples' favorite colors are???", sally asked now worried and unamused.
"Close, I have what people call synesthesia.", you calmly replied.

Sally seemed confused and concerned.
"I'm going to grab Julie, and the three of us are going out for food after work. This is so confusing, what's that?", sally asked in a confused tone.

"Never mind don't answer that, I'll get you tomorrow after work.", sally said confused.

People don't know what synesthesia is?

You sat on the floor of your dorm quietly listening to the clock. It made a mellow like consistent melody. It seemed like it would be a nice velvet color.

"Colors, they sound so beautiful. Yet their so hard to find."

(947 words not including A/N)
I'm doing this for fun keep in mind. I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter.

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