-Chapter 2| Wait you're what now?-

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     The next day eventually rolled around. All day for the morning you were thinking of the man, what was his name? Wal? Walden? Who knows and who cares.
     All you really cared about was the fact that you couldn't figure out what he felt like, his color seemed dead.

     Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock then a door opening. You didn't move as you stared at your wall, you were zoned out and just didn't feel like un-zoning from the position.

     Low and behold you didn't have to, because sally marched over and picked you up by the shoulders, before throwing you over and onto her shoulder.
     Then she began walking, you awkwardly dangled right there. Then you saw a new face, a woman with horns. She seemed nice.

     "And then I said, what's that?!", sally scoffed. She seemed to be in the middle of explaining something to the other woman.

     "Hi, I'm Julie.", the nice looking lady said in a whisper to you before responding to sally. "Oh really?"

Timeskip to arriving at a small local cafe
You were finally placed down by sally on a chair.
" now tell Julie what you told me.", sally said. Julie rested her cheek on her hand patiently.

After a while of awkward silence you recapped on what you told sally.

"- and I have what people call synesthesia."

"Oh wow, it must be so overwhelming to see so much colors! Yet it's so cool!", Julie softly laughed with a bright smile. Sally seemed confused yet intrigue.
"Synesthesia is when an individual can hear colors.", Julie calmly explained to sally.

"Oh, isn't overwhelming then for you to see so much colors y/n? I mean, you seem like a person on the much calmer and cooler color side.", sally calmly added with a sweet smile.

"Well actually it's not, I'm colorblind.", you bluntly said.

"Wait you're wait what now?", sally deadpanned as her mouth dropped in shock.
"But wouldn't you see the colors, just in different colors?", Julie asked a bit confused.

"Actually, I can only see in black and white. I have a rare condition that's called Monochromacy.", you calmly explained.
Julie and sally both seemed a bit shocked at the bare minimum.

"Have you always been like that?", Julie asked. "Does it hurt?", sally asked, Julie then gently smacked the back of Sally's head. "Being colorblind doesn't hurt.", julie muttered.

"I don't actually remember, I do remember seeing colors at one point. It's like a big chunk of my life was forgotten, then before I knew it I woke up colorblind.", you explained.

"That's, so sad.", sally said trying to sympathize.

"I do want to ask something. Why's that man who yelled at me earlier so mysterious in a sense?", you asked. Still trying to pinpoint what color he was, his tone sounded dead. Like all hope was lost.

"Do you like him?", sally asked shocked. "Julie your ex husband is finally back in love. We need a ship name!!", sally said excitedly. Julie softly smiled a bit embarrassed.
"I'm glad he seems in love to you, but let's not jump to conclusions.", Julie gently said patting Sally's head.

"I really like those traffic lights, they remind me of a gentle light parade.", you just randomly added.

"I need to give you a nickname and I need a ship name. I think I'll nickname you my dear friend y/n, Jellie!", sally suggested happily
"Why jellie?", Julie asked confused. Sally just shrugged.

After that, you finally arrived back at your dorm.

You then noticed walden standing near some of the color pumpers. Before even thinking of it twice you walked towards him and stood next to him looking up at him.

"What do you need.", Walden demanded in a stern tone.
You then just reached to touch his hair, but he grabbed your hand before you could even get close.

"Do you not have manners?", Walden scoffed. You just calmly looked up at him. For some reason Walden's grip loosened, which then led to him just softly holding onto your wrist.

"You remind me of someone, I can't pinpoint who. Give me your opinion, not that it matters but, what shade would work best for the prevention of bad habits?", Walden asked.
"Definitely that color.", you said pointing to a nice shade of light grey, which felt warm.

     "Green? Hm. I'd assume blue.", Walden responded looking at you. "Why green?"

     "I,well..", you muttered. You didn't want to lose your job, you're colorblind in a factory that is based on colors.
     "Because that color seems like a warm and soft color. Which would lead people, to, uh.. calm down?", you said a bit hesitantly. You weren't sure as to how this would go.

     "Hm.", was all he said before giving a calm nod and walking away.

     That was scary, and weird. I still can't pick up on his color.

Then you just decided to return back to your dorm. Today was an odd day for sure.

"Maybe tomorrow I'll go see what the factory consists of. I didn't even expect to get this job.", you muttered to yourself.


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