Is this the end for us?

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Y/n pov:

"I'm sorry for everything" my heart breaks at the sentence.
Billie said sat on the end of the bed with her head down whilst I was sat up by the pillows. The way we was it looked like a scene from a movie

"This is it" I think to myself

"You shouldn't be the one who's sorry, I should be the one who's sorry" I said reflecting on everything that's just happened

"No" bil says in a whisper enough for me to hear

"Billie you've had to deal my shit for these last couple of weeks and had to be there for me 24/7. I should be the one apologising" I tell her spilling the truth

"I never know how to comfort you properly" she says turning herself towards me so we are looking at each other

"You did it so perfectly. You do it so perfectly" I say the last part quietly 

"I don't, just admit it please." She looks at me with this sad look in her eyes

"I'm not admitting something that's wrong" I sit closer to her as she does the same

"You know how to comfort me, I've never shown it but you did it so perfectly. Every time you told me it was ok or when you rushed to my side I always had a smile on my face, even through tears. Billie believe me, you are the best thing to ever come into my life. You know how to comfort me, you know how to be by my side. It's like you know me inside out" I tell her whilst holding her hand

"I just feel like I'm not good at comforting you" she says tears running down her face now, causing me to have tears in my eyes too

"You're so good at comforting me. Please believe me and take my word. Please" after that we stay quiet

"Is this the end of us?" Billie asks me, I shake my head at her

"We've got each other"

"We're ok princess" I tell her giving her a kiss


Based on a real life event

I'm crying my fucking eyes out, my heart hurts so much

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