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screaming because Griffin is my problematic fave in these two stories



"How can you be so okay with it?!"

I sighed as I sat on the couch in the living room, listening to Jess and Dally argue over something Jess said about Johnny, and Dally just blew up. I hate it when they argue over him.

"Why do you act like it never happened, because in case you haven't noticed he's dead, Dallas!"

How they even get to this point, I ask myself the same question every time.

"I die every single day because of him, Jess. I loved Johnny like he was my own! I cared for him like there was no tomorrow, and you want to say that I don't care?!" He smashed his now empty beer bottle on the wall, and I flinched.

"It sure seems like it." Jess said. It got quiet. They stopped yelling.

"Go to hell Jessica." He said, and stomped out of the house, slamming the door behind him.

Jess walked over and sat by me on the couch. Her head in her hands, she started to shake with sobs. I wrapped my long arms around her, not knowing what else to do.

The door opened back up and in walked Darry holding Melly. He set her down and she ran up to me.

"Uncle Pony!" she squealed. I let go of Jess and grabbed her, setting her in my lap. She poked Jess on the shoulder.

"Why you crying?" she asked her. Jess shrugged. Melly jumped off of my lap and ran into the kitchen were Darry went, most likely to make her a sandwich.

Jess wrapped her arms around my shoulders, which were a little too broad for her as she buried her face into my chest.

"I miss him so much Ponyboy." She whimpered.

And you don't think I don't? I loved him too, but nobody bothers to ask how I'm doing.

"It's okay Jess, it's okay"


I decided to take a walk. Johnny and I used to take walks and talk about whatever, but we can't do that anymore.

I walked and walked until I reached the cemetery, a few miles away from the neighborhood. It was mid-day, and hot outside.

I found the familiar tombstone and sat down in front of it.

'Johnny Cade.

3.1.1948 - 5.17.1964

Beloved brother, friend, and son.'

Johnny Cade's parent's didn't love him.

If it was up to me, I wouldn't have mentioned anything about him being a 'beloved son', because they didn't care. They don't care about any of their kids.

"Hi Johnny." I said. A warm breeze rustled the grass surrounding the area, and I felt a sense of wanted company.

"I know you can't hear me, and you're probably not even there. But I just wanted to let you know that everyone's doing okay, that I'm doing okay ."

"...Who am I kidding? I'm falling apart.

I always think about joining you. But then I remember what you told me, about being too young. It sometimes takes a lot of thinking and digging to find the good things in my life before I try to end it.

I've had a lot of trial and error, but nobody knows that. Not even Layla. I wish you were still here so it wouldn't have to be like that.

Everybody has their own thing going on. Soda and Jess had their baby, although you weren't around to know that in the first place, let alone meet him. He has your name, I hope he's lucky enough to be like you...

I just wish you were here, Johnny. I miss you so much, and the only person that would have cared other than Layla is you. But you're not here anymore.

I hate Randy with every fiber of my being. He left town, but wherever he is I hope he goes through hell. And you know that I'd never wish that on somebody.

I'll come back and visit.

See you soon, Johnny Cade."

He was buried under a willow tree, his favorite kind. He would always join me on walks and we'd find a large tree that hangs over the ground and we'd sit under it while I read to him. Although, he tended to fall asleep on my shoulder more often than not.

I kept reading anyway.

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