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Unedited because I don't feel like re-reading my horrible writing.

'Even when the sun don't shine
I got faith in you and I
So put your pretty little hand in mine
Even when we're down to the wire baby
Even when it's do or die'



The next morning I grabbed my school bag, shoving my notebooks in it that were previously scattered on the floor.

I made my way out of the house without a goodbye to Darry or Addie, and began walking.

On the way to school, I had stopped by the Mathews' house to get Layla but when Two-Bit came to the door half asleep and looking almost half dead, he had told me the whole family came down with something.

I sighed, asking him if I could come in. He nodded, moving to the side and coughing very harshly which sounded like his lungs were about to come out with it. Jesus Christ.

I said good morning to Miss Mathews, who was watching tv on the couch, and walked down the hall until I arrived in front of a white-painted door. I knocked softly.

"Come in." Layla said. I cringed, her voice sounded terrible.

I opened the door and dropped my bag on the floor beside her dresser, and climbed onto her bed beside her. She lifted up the blankets for me to get under and I immediately wrapped my arms around her. She sniffled, and coughed.

"Baby you sound so sick." I mumbled.

I felt her nodding against my side and I pushed her hair out of her eyes. They were a pale blue, and I wondered how she got so sick just overnight.

"I was startin' to feel bad yesterday, I thought it was nothin'. Now my whole family's sick." she laughed dryly. I sighed.

"You were planning on going to class today?" she asked, looking at my school bag. I nodded, muttering a 'yeah.'

"Well that sucks, because now you're stuck here with me." she joked.

"Can you go buy some smokes? My mom found my last pack and tossed them." she said. My chest tightened. I wish she hadn't started the terrible habit, but she had picked it up in New York and with what goes on in her life, she isn't able to drop it.

"Sure, I'll be back." I said, pushing my self up from beside her. I went out her window, since just a few houses down that way was the DX. Hopefully Soda wasn't still at work, or else I'd get busted for not being in school.

I jogged down the block, not wanting to waste any time. I walked up the small parking lot to the DX and didn't see Soda outside, so I figured I was clear.

I entered the tiny station and stood in front of the counter. Steve looked up at me, then turned around and reached behind him to get me a pack of cigarettes. I thanked him, and gave him the money.

"Don't tell Soda I was here." I said, and walked out. I highly doubted he would do as I asked, because Steve doesn't like me very much.

Especially after I punched him in the nose. If you ask me, I think it helped a bit. But I'd never tell anyone that.

Layla was sitting up on her bed when I returned, and I tossed the pack to her.

I sat down beside her, pulling my lighter from my pocket and lighting up her cigarette when she turned to me. She inhaled deeply, leaning back on the bed frame.

"These things are magical." she sighed. I shook my head, setting the rest of them on her shelf.

I wish she wouldn't do this to herself.


I waited at her house until around the time that school would have ended, and then I walked back to our neighborhood. I decided I didn't want to go home just yet, so I stopped by Soda and Jess' house.

Soda answered the door, providing his movie-star smile. He smiles a lot more now, it kind of bothers me that he can be so happy. But then again, he has a happy family. I wonder what that's like.

I saw Jess sitting with Johnny on the couch, and mentally said to Johnny, I hope you don't take advantage of having your parents. It'll all be gone before you know it.

But he'd never hear those words come out of my mouth. Maybe one day Soda will tell him when he asks why he doesn't have any grandparents.

I sat on the couch to the left of Jess, and Johnny let out a small noise. I let him grab my index finger, and he closed his eyes.

I tend to have bigger hands than a lot of people, so it would make sense that babies' hands only cover half of one of my fingers.

"He loves you, you know." Jess told me.

"Everybody loves you." she said, her voice softer this time. I felt a pang of something in my chest, but decided not to over analyze what she said. She talks a lot of nonsense.

Soda was sitting in the chair by the TV, and I just looked at him. I know why everybody thinks he's a doll, I mean he could have anybody he wanted to. Same goes for Jess, they're a beautiful couple. They're lucky to have each other, and Johnny is lucky to have them.

I am jealous of Johnny Curtis. Hopefully he won't ever have to go through the same things I do. He's got a good life ahead of him.

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