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sept. 20th, 1998.


aaliyah's frustration bubbled as she fussed, her finger absentmindedly grazing her lips while her eyes remained fixated on the model in front of her. she delicately added the final touches to the dress, her concentration momentarily shattered by the disappointing news from her brother.

"what do you mean you can't make it?" she questioned, her tone a blend of annoyance and disappointment.

rashad's voice echoed from the other end of the line as aaliyah furrowed her brows, diligently sewing buttons onto the garment. "i'm sorry, braceface. they gave me an extra shift, and i can't get any more time off," rashad explained, his remorse evident even through the phone.

aaliyah sighed softly, fighting back the tears that threatened to spill and ruin her perfectly applied makeup.

"i understand. It's fine," she replied, a brave front concealing the disappointment she couldn't shake off.

"i can come aft-" rashad began, attempting to salvage the situation, but aaliyah abruptly ended the call, frustration evident as she tossed her cell onto the dressing table, she feared as if she continued talking to him, she would bust out in tears.

for aaliyah, the disappointment cut deeper than others might understand. her sensitivity wasn't just a trait; it was a vulnerability amplified by her genuine desire for her brother's presence. with him being the only family within reach, his absence felt like a void she couldn't fill. despite the emotional weight, aaliyah chose to put on her brave face, determined to channel that disappointment into her work.

"alright, there you go. any more adjustments, let me know," aaliyah instructed the slim girl before her, mustering a smile that concealed the turmoil beneath. the model reciprocated with gratitude, "aight, i gotchu. thanks, girl," as she joined the others at the corner of the room.

the anticipation backstage was palpable as the fashion show unfolded in the university's grand auditorium. aaliyah, along with dalvin and lisa, belonged to the last group, granting them valuable time for those crucial finishing touches behind the curtains. the spotlight awaited, and aaliyah aimed to make the most of it despite the ache in her heart. "alright alright, fresh out the press, aaliyah, here's your jacket.."

aaliyah's attention was immediately caught when she heard her name being mentioned. she turned around to find darius, one of her classmates who was also involved in helping with costumes and clothes.

darius, a film major like dalvin, always had a camera in hand, capturing anything that caught his eye.

despite his quiet nature, there was an air of mystery and intrigue about him that made him stand out. aaliyah wasn't the only person who noticed this; she had observed countless girls in their class attempting to catch his eye, only to receive polite rejections.

darius seemed to keep to himself most of the time, but his enigmatic aura intrigued everyone around him.

it wasn't until recently that darius had started talking to aaliyah. one day, he approached her with his camera, asking if he could take a picture of her drawing in her notebook. he often found solace in his creative pursuits, immersing herself in magazines or books, usually tucked away in a quiet corner.

whenever their eyes met, darius would offer her a warm smile, as if appreciating the beauty of her artistic world. his friendly demeanor had a way of brightening aaliyah's day, making her want to smile in return.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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