{𝟶𝟸 - 𝙰𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚢}

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(A/N: Mephisto slowed down while writing this is just- *chef's kiss* I'm in love oml. Above is how Aiya ((Asami)) Looks now but just imagine this in the ONK artstyle :) )

Walking down the streets, Aiya scrolled on her phone, maintaining a pleasant expression on her face in case someone were to recognize her from her career choice

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Walking down the streets, Aiya scrolled on her phone, maintaining a pleasant expression on her face in case someone were to recognize her from her career choice. She didn't want to accidentally cause a scandal and get her 'father's' agency in shit. Crazy how often people distort things to whatever they can make profit off of. Just the other day, someone from another agency got into a drama of being accused of embezzlement from going to the bank.

The bank.

Just how does one think of a celebrity embezzling from their own agency from going to the back!? But unfortunately, that's how the world runs. People will do anything to get profit, like stealing, lying, etcetera etcetera...

Of course there's the people who aren't like that, but those ones are so rare that the others might as well be counted as humans in general. In this world, you're either one or the other. No in between.

Oh! Back to what our protagonist was doing...

You might be wondering why Aiya was out for a walk, well, it was for a few things.

First, she was going to a cafe to get a drink and a snack, for she was hungry, and then she was heading to the main building of Star Studios to sign contracts for the show she was to appear on.

(A/N: I can't stay consistent with the agency's name I made up, but its Star Studios, so if I get it wrong and you remember just correct me lol)

The show in particular is an interesting one, for it's a dating show. Why her friend wanted her to join it? Who knows. Maybe he was tired of her complaining about the couples in tiktoks. Not his fault she was single.

The busyness of the streets of Tokyo was normal, drivers honking, crowds of people walking, it was expected of such a big city during the day. Buildings stood tall, projecting the news onto a few of them. The sun at its peak in the sky shone down on the world, warming its surface.

Aiya was used to this by now, having lived here her whole second life. However, sometimes she missed the calmness of Takachiho. But still, she enjoyed having access to things within the city. Her popularity– her ego, feeds off this place. Being recognized just by walking in the streets made her feel valid, being acknowledged for her roles in movies or shows made her feel validated.

That's how the world works.

Arriving at Star Studios, she entered the building and skipped over to her manager's office. Daisuke Sato, her manager, was waiting for her, and welcomed her with a polite smile once she entered.

"Hello, Aiya! I assume you're here because of your new offer for that dating show, correct?" He asked, as Aiya sat down.

"Mhm! I assume this is the start of the casting for it?" She asked, leaning her arms on her chair.

𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐞 ✰ 𝐀𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐇. (Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now