Chapter 13

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Previously on Chapter 12

"Eh..." I stammered a little. I feel my heart starts to beat faster. "We're not..." I said, pushing at her face to make her lean away from me. Eren and I avoid eye-contact. I feel my cheeks growing warm as I try to calm my nerves. Why did I even reach this way?

-A New Base-


It's been agreed that I will be joining Levi's squad to help him supervise Eren during his training to control the his titan shifting power. So, I have to go with him to the new place where the training will take place. In all honesty, I didn't agree to join his squad to help him supervise Eren. Well, that's part of it. But it's mostly so I can make sure none of his squad members would mistreat Eren.

We're all on the horses back, as we ride through the forest presumably to this place they're all talking about during our departure preparation. I ride next to Eren and stay silent as everyone else starts a conversation among themselves. I turn my head to look at Eren as he looks back over his shoulder, only to flinch and look forward in matter of seconds. I raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what got him to react that way.

I turn my head slightly to look behind me to see Levi staring at us with a cold expression. Though his eyes are mainly focusing on Eren and not me. His eyes look cold as he seems untrusting towards Eren.

Ah, so that's why. After getting beaten up by Levi, it only makes sense for Eren to be scared of him. I let out a sigh and turn my head to look forward.

Though, I can't blame him or anyone for that matter. Anyone would be untrusting or scared, considering the fact that all they know of titans are that they're man-eating monsters. Monsters that always aims for the kill or just the pleasure of killing if it's an abnormal titan. But either way, since the existence of titans, humans are always hiding in fear of their lives.

Just when they think they'd be safe from the titan, a supposedly an ordinary human suddenly gains the power to transform into one. Anyone would be scared. It's just in their nature.

I snap out of my daze when I hear someone calling out for me. I turn my head to see it's Petra. "You've been zoning out for a while now, Y/N... something wrong?" She asked. While they're cautious of Eren. They're surprisingly quite welcoming towards me.

"Nothing's wrong... at least, it's not something for you to worry about" I said. My tone came out colder than I had planned. I let out a sigh and look away from her. "Sorry. That came out harsher than I anticipated" I said. She shakes her head, as if telling me it's okay.

I didn't mean to seem rude or disrespectful towards her or anyone for that matter. I just still couldn't control my action. The only people I managed to open up to are Eren, Mikasa and Armin. The others are decent.

They never once show any sign of hostility towards me and actually shows that they're welcoming. Still, I'm not as close to them as I did with the trio. It's just hard for me to actually open up to people, especially if they are people I've never met before.

The new base turns out to be an abandoned palace. It looks like no one's been here for decades. That means, the whole building is covered in dusts. I dismount the horse once I notice everyone dismount theirs.

"Looks like we've got a lot of cleaning to do. Don't you think so, Captain Levi?" I said, teasingly as I turn to look at Levi. He click his tongue. Despite being my superior. Him and Erwin both... never once I called them by their title. So to hear me call him that, most likely irritates him.

"Shut up, wild girl. You may be free to do whatever you pleased outside the walls. But within this walls, you are required to follow the rules, understand?" He said. I stick my tongue out at him playfully. He scoffs at my action and turn to look at the others. "And all of you. We've got some cleaning job to do. This place is filthy" he said. I notice everyone trying to hold back a groan. I bit my lips, trying to contain my laughter. It's quite obvious that Levi is the only one who enjoys to clean. What a clean freak.


"Are you really not scared of the Captain, Y/N?" I hear Eren said as I help him clean. I turn to look at him as he stares at me while his hand is sweeping.

"Nope... we both know I'm stronger than he is. He can't do anything to harm me" I said. I bit my lips as I look away from him. "The only thing holding me back now is the fact that he threaten to send out soldiers to kill Onii-Chan..." I said.

"What are you going to do once you're reunited with this 'Onii-Chan' titan of yours?" He asked. I turn my head to look at him. What will I do? Naturally, I would want to leave and to never return. But, now that I've managed to make friends with Eren and the others.

"Are you... leaving?" He asked. I flinch at his choice of words. I turn my head to look at him. He has a sad expression on his face. "You are, aren't you?" He said. His voice sounded low, almost like a whisper. But it held so many emotions.

"I don't know, Eren..." I said, shaking my head. I turn my head away from him as I clutch the duster in my hand. I turn my gaze down, staring at the floor beneath me. "I'm not gonna lie. That is my original plan in the very beginning" I said. I turn my head to look at Eren who stared at me with an expression I can decipher.

"I really want to leave this place with Onii-Chan, as soon as I have the opportunity to. I don't want to get too attached with anyone after my parents abandoned me as a child. I'm scared that I'd get abandoned again. But you, Mikasa and Armin always proved me wrong by always being there for me since day one. You stood up for me. Armin cheers me up and Mikasa always seems ready to throw herself to protect me. The three of you showed me the meaning of true kindness... and I just - I... I don't know..." I said. I lower my gaze as I feel tears slowly gathering in my eyes.

I hear a soft thud, assuming Eren had dropped his broom. I feel my body getting pulled into a hug. My head is rested against a firm chest. I feel a gentle hand on my hair.

"Don't leave, Y/N..." he whispered, as his finger gently run through my hair. He tightened his arms around me. "I know that I'm not in place to control what you want to do with your life, Y/N. The only thing I can do is beg. And I beg you... p-p-please d-don't l-l-leave" he said. His voice cracks as he said the last sentence.

"Eren..." I said. I feel my shirt getting soaked by his tears as he buries his face into the crook of my neck. "You don't see me as a freak? I'm no normal human. You saw what I can do, right?" I said.

"So what if you're not normal? I'm not normal either, Y/N. I can transform into a titan!" He said. He pulls away to look at me. "I don't care one bit what you are or what you can do for that matter. What I want is for you to be right here... next to me" he said as he cups my cheeks with his hands. He slowly lift his hands to cup my cheeks. "Stand by me..." he said, voice barely above whisper but loud enough for me to hear.

I stare into his green eyes. I notice his face coming closer to mine. My eyes widen slightly when I realize what he's trying to do. I place my hand on his lips, stopping his action. I lower my head to avoid looking into his hurt gaze.

"I'm scared..." I whispered in a low voice. I place my forehead against his chest as I let my hands falls on either side of me. "I know what I said a while ago about you, Mikasa and Armin. Despite everything you three did for me. I just... can't lie about the fact that I'm scared to get too close, Eren" I said. I turn my head to meet his gaze as he stares at me.

"Because... if both of my parents can throw me away so easily like I worth nothing to them. Then there's a possibility that you would too. No matter how small... the chances are there" I said. I shake my head as tears starts to fall from my eyes. "And I just... I don't want to experience getting abandoned again because it hurts, Eren. I keep questioning myself... what I did so wrong for them to leave me behind. Was I even wanted from the start? Or did they regret having me? These questions kept haunting me" I said. More tears starts to stream down my cheeks.

"And no matter how hard I try to think. I just... can't find a solid answer. It's all so confusing and it really scares me. I can't go through that again... I don't w-want t-to" I said.

"Hey... shhh..." he cooed softly. His hands gently cupping both of my cheeks again. "It's never going to happen... I won't abandon you" he whispered as he leans his forehead against mine. I close my eyes as I feel his thumb gently wiping away all the tears that escaped my eyes.

"Never..." he said, in the most gentle voice I've ever heard. He wraps his arms around me as I lean my head against his chest. I start to cry as he continue to hold me close. His voice sounded sincere. But can I trust his words?

*to be continued*

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