Chapter 4

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Previously on Chapter 3

So even in this damned place. Even when those two aren't even here, they're still keeping a close eye on me to make sure I didn't try anything against them. It looks like I have no choice but to cooperate with them. I can't wait for the day I can finally be out there again. Onii-Chan... I hope you're okay. See you soon.

-Conflict During Breakfast-


I got awaken by someone shaking my shoulders. I slowly open my eyes to see a girl who has became my roommate. She told me her name is Sasha. She seems like a nice girl. But I'm not here to make friends. Heck, I don't even want to be here in the first place.

"Wake up, Y/N. The training will begin in about two hours from now. But you still need to eat breakfast. If you don't wake up now, you won't have time. Surely, you don't want to be late on your first day, right?" She said. I let out a sigh and slowly move to sit up. She just smiles and gently pat my head.

I froze at her action. It's been so long since I last feel that sort of affection from a human. It's always been me and Onii-Chan, who is a titan.

"Sorry... did that make you feel uncomfortable?" She asked, while removing her hand from my head. I just shake my head, to let her know that it's fine. She smiles at me. "Well then, come on, Y/N. Let's go and get some breakfast? I'm really hungry" she said.

"Why are you being so friendly towards me?" I asked, turning my head away from her. The only memories I have of humans are my parents. But they abandoned me as a child. So I don't know what kindness means.

"Well, you're part of us! Of course I'd be friendly. I truly hope that you and I can be good friends" she said. My head slowly turn to look at her. She has a wide smile on her face. She offers her hands to me. "Come on..." she said, urging me to grab her hand. I lift my hand and gently grab hers, allowing her to pull me up to stand on my feet.

"I have to take a shower first..." I said. She nods her head and move to sit on the bed. "Are you going to wait?" I asked, realizing she's not going anywhere. She just nods her head, while smiling at me to let me know she's going to be waiting for me. I let out a sigh and turn around. I make my way towards the washroom to take a shower.

After I finished taking a shower, I put on my uniform and leave the bathroom. I turn my head to see Sasha is still here. She really did waited for me. She smiles when she notices that I'm ready.

"Great. You're done... now let's head for breakfast" she said. I just nod my head. She walks over to me, looping her arm through mine. She starts to pull me along as I just follow her quietly.

She leads me to the dining room and guides me to a group of people who are sitting around the table. She remove her arm from mine so she can take a seat. She turn to look at me, realizing I'm only standing stiffly on my spot.

"Come and sit, Y/N..." she said, patting the empty spot next to her. I let out a sigh and walk over to take a seat. I turn my head to look at the other trainees to see them all already staring at me.

"A weird time to join the training, don't you think?" One of them said. I turn my head to look at the person to see a boy. He have yellow hair and bright blue eyes as he stares at me with a look of curiosity. "Oh... right. Pardon me. My name is Armin Arlert. Just call me Armin" he said. I just nod my head at what he said.

"Anyway, back to the topic. How are you planning on catching up with the training? When there's only a few months left before the final test" he asked. I think about it for a few seconds and shrugs my shoulders.

"I don't know... I guess I'll just have to try my best" I said, placing my chin on the palm of my hand. I look away from them since I'm seated right at the end of the seat. "Not I wanted to be here anyway" I muttered under my breath.

"So, we heard that you came from outside the wall" a new voice said. I turn my head to see that it's a black haired boy with turquoise eyes. "Right. My name is Eren Yeager. So back to my question. How did you survive out there? And what was it like to be outside the walls?" He asked. There's a gleam of excitement reflecting in his eyes.

"You are aware of what's out there, aren't you?" I asked. He blinks his eyes at my question and lightly nods his head. I raise an eyebrow at him. "If you know, why are you so excited to step outside?" I added.

"Erm... my country was overrun by the titans. I lost my mom that day. So I want to be able to go outside so I can get my revenge on those titans" he said. I hear a soft snort coming from the table behind me. I turn my head to see an ash brown haired boy. Eren seems to be triggered by the boy's reaction. "You've got something to say, horse face?" He said.

"Oh, nothing, suicidal maniac" he said. He turns to face us as he stands up, hovering over me. "I refuse to believe this girl came from outside the walls. How can someone that looks so weak manage to survive, and alone too for that matter. Think about it?" He said.

I slowly move to stand up. "Wanna take me on? I heard today we'll be training on hand to hand combat" I said, glaring up at him with a challenging look on my face. He just smirk at what I said.

"It would be a shame to take on such a cute girl though" he said. I cringe at his poor attempt to flirt. I take a few steps away from him as he leans down to be on the same eye-level as me.

"Just say you're scared. You really do seem like a the type to get scared easily" I said. I turn around and walks away, leaving him standing there with a shocked expression. He probably isn't used to a girl making him look bad. Either way, I couldn't care less.


I decided to go some laps around the training field. I've got to make sure that I stay in shape. I have to be stronger if I want to be let out and leave the walls. I don't want to stay here for too long.

As I run, I feel pairs of eyes on me. I turn my head to see it's Eren, Armin and one girl. The girl have red scarf on her neck. They seem shocked to see how I'm able to run for a while without breaking a sweat. I turn my gaze away from them as I focus on running a couple more rounds.

After a while, I finally stops running. I outstretch my arms above my head. I hear footsteps coming closer towards me. I turn my head to see the three of them.

"Wow... how can you run so many laps without even breaking a sweat?" Eren asked. I shrug my shoulders. I turn my head to look at the girl standing next to him. "Oh, this is Mikasa..." he said, placing his hand on the girl's shoulder. I hum and nod my head.

These people aren't so bad. Some of them are friendly towards me. But, it still doesn't change the fact that my own parents abandoned me out there on my own. If it weren't for Onii-Chan... I would have died a long time ago.

*to be continued*

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