Kev- Illness

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Y/n pov

I was sat on the bar, swinging my legs back and forth as I watched crowds flood the jockey. It was karaoke night, unlucky for me. I have been raised in a pub, and I'm quite sociable. But my 5 year old ears couldn't bare to listen to the pissed old men share the reason they never achieved their dream of becoming elvis.

"You alright sweetheart?" Veronica asked. She wasn't my real mummy, but she's as good as. She said that her and daddy took a break, and then I was made with another lady, and then they got back together. It all sounded abit complicated for me at the time

"I wanna go home mummy" I whined, shaking my head as another man got up to sing sweet Caroline. How many times can one song be sung in a night? I'll tell ya. So far, at 9pm, eleven times! Eleven flaming times I've had to listen to that!

Mummy lifted me up onto her hip, taking me away from the bar and onto her lap on a normal seat as I leant against her. Perhaps it was the music, or the overwhelming smell of puke and alcohol, but I began to feel really poorly

"Mummy" I whimpered, turning away from everybody else and hiding my face in her neck

"Oh darling. Let's get you home," I nodded, grateful to finally be leaving. As we were about to leave, mummy went to tell daddy

"Not feeling well babes?" I shook my head, sucking on my thumb, a habit that mummy and daddy were failing to stop

"I'll take her home. I've just finished my shift" he said, taking me in his arms

"Are you sure?"

"Ye. I'm going home anyway now my shifts over. And if you go, fiona will go aswell. She won't want to be stuck here with your mother" ah, nana Carol. Lovely lady, but not someone I could spend a day alone with

Daddy put his jacket over me, carrying me out of the pub and back home. My eyes were feeling very droopy, and I was sure that I'd fall asleep, but it never happened.

Once we got inside the house, he took his jacket off my shoulders and carried me to the sofa, sitting me on his lap as he turned the TV on

"Daddy, my tummy hurts" I cried, looking up at him with watery eyes

"I think you need to go to bed" he sat up straighter to lift me up but that hurt even more, and caused me to squeal quickly at the pain

"Right OK come on" he gasped

Kev Pov

At first, I expected to spend my night sitting up with a sick bucket for her. It wouldn't be the first time. But when she squealed in pain, I knew it wasn't just a normal tummy bug. Perhaps she'd ate too much and just had indigestion. Or, she hadn't drank alot of water. (I know it sounds silly but I got such bad kidney pains from not drinking enough water that I thought I had appendicitis)

I carried her upstairs, putting her to bed and covering her up, wiping away those tears. I hated to see her upset, it was even worse to see her in pain

"You need to drink some water sweetheart" I told her, handing her a glass of water which she took small sips from. I kissed her forehead and stood up to leave

"No daddy. Don't go" she begged. Turning around to face her, I knew I'd end up staying. How was I supposed to say no to her adorable little face, especially when that adorable little face is covered in tears

"It's alright babes. I'm not going anywhere. I promise. But you've got to try and get some sleep" I reminded her, sitting against her headboard as she cuddled into my side, closing her eyes and going to sleep

Y/n Pov

When I woke up, I was all alone in bed and the pain was even worse. Beads of sweat ran down my face as I sobbed loudly. It didn't take long before my bedroom door was opened, and the light switched on

"What's wrong darling?" Mummy asked

"My tummy hurts" I cried. Daddy lifted me up not so carefully, with my blanket, and rushed downstairs as mummy held the doors for him. I was in the front of the car, on mummys lap as daddy drove, looking at me every minute with a panicked face as my cries didn't quieten down

"Where are we going?" I asked through the tears

"The hospital. The doctors are going to make you all better sweetheart. Then, you'll be as right as rain. Just have to hold on for a moment love"

It felt like forever before I was finally seen by a doctor, their hands pressing into my stomach

"Does that hurt?" The nurse asked as I cried

"She's already said, her tummy hurts. You're just hurting her even more" daddy stood up for me. I dont remember much else until i was waking up in the hospital room, surrounded by people whilst I was in a hospital gown

"Hiya darling. Are you feeling alright?" Mummy asked and I nodded sleepily

"You had your appendix out love. But it's alright. They won't bother you anymore"

"Trust it be you who gets appendicitis. You've always been the unlucky one" Ian laughed, ruffling my already messy hair. He wasn't wrong. For a 5 year old, I've had my fair share of problems. I've had pneumonia, meningitis as a baby, and I was born with a hole in my heart. Plus, I'm always breaking some sort of bone

"Atleast I get a lolly pop. I do get a lolly pop don't I?" I asked, looking around at the adults for confirmation

"You can have all the lollipops in the world sweetheart, for being so brave" fiona confirmed, and from then on, I learnt that the easiest way to get your own way as a child, isn't by acting adorable, it's by being really really ill

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