Lip- Rough Around The Edges

Start from the beginning

I was sat on lips knee, my head against his as he held my hand, bringing them up to kiss my knuckles. Just then, my phone started ringing.


"I'll just be a minute" I said, leaving the room and going up to lips bedroom.

Mum: where the bloody hell are ya?
Y/n: what do you want?
Mum: it's mark
Y/n: finally dead?
Mum: oh love, he's gone looking for ya. I tried to stop him but you know what he's like.
Y/n: shit. Does he know where I am?
Mum: not exactly. But you're only ever in 3 places. The jockey, home, and at the Gallagher's. Just come home. It'll hurt less if he hasn't been tracking you down in the bloody rain
Y/n: fuck off

My mum had an issue with mark. Well, she had many issues. The worst was her guilt. She never stopped him from hurting me. And her advice was always along the lines of "let him hit you, and he won't be as angry". After each beating, she'd cry. As if she was the one who'd just been beat up. As if she hadn't just sat and watched her own daughter get tortured.

Lip had no idea. We'd had sex, but he hadn't seen me completely naked. I usually just rolled my skirt up abit, never having to take off my top

"You alright babe?" He asked, walking into his bedroom just after I'd told my mum to fuck off.

"Hm? Oh ye I'm fine" I smiled at him. He walked slowly towards me, pulling me in for a hug and a soft kiss

"You're lying" he sang

"I don't care" I replied, in the same mocking sing song voice. Rolling his eyes, our kiss was cut short by a loud knock on the door. This couldn't be good.

Seeing my fear, lip immediately began questioning me

"It's him isn't it? It's your step dad who's leaving those fucking bruises?"

"How did you-"

"I saw your bruises when I woke up before you and your top had scrunched up. I see them on your wrist when you reach for anything on a top shelf. You can try to hide a black eye behind makeup but the swelling can't be covered that easily" tears poured down my cheeks as he sighed, holding the back of my head with his palm, he pulled my into my chest and kissed the crown of my head

"Y/n, mark's here" Ian said walking in, completely oblivious to everything. Seeing my tears, he looked at lip in questioning

"I don't wanna go with him" I told the boys, knowing they'd understand

"Think I'd let you go home with him? You're staying right here. I'll go and deal with him," lip said

"No lip please. He'll hurt you" I sobbed, knowing that lip wouldn't be able to beat up mark. Eventually, Steve came upstairs, wondering why I was taking so long. Me, Ian and lip were on the bed, my face red with tears as I sat against the wall

"What's going on?" He asked

"I'm not going with him" I stated

"Why? Has he done something?" So many questions

"He's a nasty, pathetic old fucker" soon, fiona joined. Like a whole bloody family reunion

"You alright sweetheart?" She asked, sitting on the bed as I leant against her chest, she played with my hair softly

"I'll pay rent fiona. I'll look after the kids and cook tea every night. I swear it. Please, just don't make me leave," I exploded with shakes, terrified that she'd make me leave. After all, she had every right to kick me out. I didn't live here

"It's alright. Sshh. It's alright. You don't have to leave. I love having you around. It's like having another sister except this one actually knows how to tidy up after herself" she joked as I smiled slightly. With a kiss on my cheek, she, Ian and Steve left me and lip alone.

He held me in his arms as I could hear shouting from downstairs. Lip was shaking like mad

"You want to hit him don't you?" I asked, knowing that he was struggling to contain his anger

"No...I want to kill him" at that, we heard something breaking downstairs and then booming footsteps running towards the room. The door flung open, and there stood a very red faced mark

"I'm sorry please i-" he stumbled towards us, a beat up Steve and kev trying to stop him. Lip jumped up, pushing him against the wardrobe before punching him over...and over
..and over until blood was seeping from every crook and cranny in his face

Half an hour later, we were sat downstairs. I was sat on lips lap, this time, keeping the ice on his knuckles which were badly bruised. Kev had a cloth on his eye which had been cut and Steve had a busted lip. The kids had gone to bed. Only fiona, Steve, kev, Veronica, me and lip remained.

"We should get to bed" lip whispered to me, kissing my neck slightly as I nodded, getting up from his lap. I walked towards Steve, hugging him and kissing his cheek

"Thank you" I said. Then, I did the same for kev

"Fucker deserved it"

"And you're welcome to move in with us. Whatever you need"

"What's your mum say?" Veronica asked

"I don't know. Doubt she'd care to be honest. Thank you, all of you. I'm sorry on behalf of my parents. I wish I had an excuse like a mental illness but they truly are just vile people" we said our goodnight and went upstairs. Ian was lay in bed, looking up at the ceiling as we climbed into bed

"So, you're staying here then? Like, permanently?" He asked

"Looks like it" I smiled at him as he fistbumped me, grateful I'd be staying longer. Me and lip snuggled together, his hand cupping my arse cheek as I leant against his chest. The gallaghers, although a little rough around the edges, had hearts of gold

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