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(a full day after Milim came to Tempest)

"In a cave"

Rimuru: so do you think it's finished

Vesta: yeah

Gabiru: In that case I will represent it *holds orb* this is Rimuru's full potion with a recovery rate of 99%

Vesta: and in contrast dwarven techniques can only extract up to 98% at best. but now I have finally overcome the last 1% barrier *shows bottle* This is the result of my Research

Rimuru: Um let me appraise it *absorbs bottle*

Vesta: please do

Rimuru: (um a perfect 100%) Nice job Vesta it was a success 

Gabiru: Excellent work Vesta

Kaijin: way to go- Vesta. I knew you were the right man to research this

Vesta: thank you, Thank you

Rimuru: hey do you guys think we could sell this?

Kaijin: ah umm, I don't think so this potion is to effective so we can't just rely on it for everyday things

Vesta: he's right, I suggest that we try to make low potions first & sell those first, then after that we can try are hand at selling Full potions

Rimuru: Um In that case I'll leave it to you guys

Aot: yes Rimuru sama

Rimuru: *walks outside to see a couple explosions* what the *flies to tempest*

{A few moments before the explosion}

"In the city Razel & Milim walking together"

Milim: So uncle what are you even staying here?

Razel: You know honestly I have no Idea, I guess my best answer Is just curiosity. cause I'm pretty sure you know there's no one here who can challenge the both of us

Milim: true & I'm surprised you've never been one to let himself fall into curiosity

Razel: well things change after a long time

(as the 2 keep walking they run into 3 beastmen talking to Rigurd)

Beastmen: Hello i'm one of the 3 beastketeers of demon lord carrion, Phobio the black leopard fang.

I'm the strongest among them though, Nice town you got here, fit to be ruled by the beast king. don't you think

Rigurd: surely you jest

"As Rigurd said this Phobio tried to punch him but Razel catch his fist"

Razel: can I ask that you not do this please

Phobio: Damn you *charges up another fish of fire*

Razel: Yeah uh no *throws to the ground* (wait a minute)

Hey Milim

Milim:  um Yes uncle

Razel: that's play that game we both love with this one!

Milim: Ohhhhh that one, SURE

[after that they both Proceed to play ping pong with Phobio's body causing a explosion]

{back to Rimuru}

Rimuru: um what happened

Razel: oh him, Me & Milim Played Ping pong with him as the ball although our version is a little more rough

Rimuru: um rough how?

Razel: So rule is that the other person as to increase the power of there punch everytime

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