
Beginne am Anfang

He said and she was left their speechless

"What would I do in this place, I don't even have my phone to call anyone, well what's the point when everyone betrayed me"

In order to find a way to escape she got up and started to look around the mansion

Seeing guards surrounding it everywhere her hope of escaping broke

She tried to look at the east side but couldn't saw anything as a big metal door was in front

~Time Skip~

It's evening now, Y/n is still in the garden enjoying the nature as she has nothing to do

Her mind isn't getting any ideas "what to do?", or "how to escape from here?"

She got interrupted by a familiar voice

??- Ms. Y/n

Y/n- Oh Jessica, come sit here

She patted beside her

Jessica- You want anything ma'am?

Y/n- No but I wanna ask you something

Jessica- Yes?

Y/n- Is there any door out of the mansion, except the one that is surrounded by guards?

Jessica- There is but I can't tell you about it

Y/n- Why?

Jessica- Mr. Jeon has strictly forbidden us to tell

Y/n- Oh okay, btw can you show me Mr. Jeon's study or his room?

Jessica- His study is always locked I can show you his room tho

A smirk immediately makes its way on her face

Jessica led her to Jungkook's room and left

She went inside and firstly she checked if there are any cameras

Of course, she's a spy so she knows all the games they play

Roaming her eyes around, she stopped seeing a red light coming from a plant on a shelf

She went towards it and found a camera hidden in it

She immediately turned it off

Now her mission was to find a weapon to blackmail Jessica

Cuz she knows about the exit but isn't telling

Her predatory eyes roamed around the room but a wooden box caught her attention

"Do not dare to open" the words were carved on it

She immediately opened it and found a gun

There were bullets inside it already

She went to Jessica

Y/n- Jess?

Jessica- Yes ma'a-

Her eyes widened as words got stuck in her throat

Y/n was pointing a gun towards her

Y/n- If you don't wanna die, tell me the truth like a good girl

Jessica- Wh-what

Her voice came out shaky

Y/n- The exit, you know about it right

Jessica- I know but sir hasn't allowed us to tel-

She got cut off

Y/n- Fvck your sir, tell me or I'm gonna shoot you in the head

𝐔𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 / 𝐉𝐉𝐊 𝐅𝐅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt