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The next morning, I woke up..on the couch? I thought I was on Dipper's bed. And his pillow feels more comfy.. like.. I open my eyes wider and see Dipper cuddling me. Mabel and Grenda stand in front of us, giggling and taking photos. I feel my cheeks heat up.

"Did you two put me here?" I whisper. They both nod, giggling. I shrug and cuddle into Dipper. If he thinks I'm sleeping, he'll think I'm cuddling him by accident. That way I won't be embarrassed. Mabel 'awws' and Grenda squeals quietly. I nuzzle my head under Dippers chin and wave them off so it can be just me and Dipper. The girls leave to go get food or something. I know it's weird to cuddle someone who isn't even dating you yet while they sleep but.. He's just so comfy and handsome... His sleeping self stirs a bit before wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his chin on my head. I wrap my arms around his back and wrap my legs against his.

I really hope he likes me back.

Dippers POV

I wake up to the feeling of being cuddled, someone wrapping their arms and legs around me, while I have my arms wrapped around their back and my chin on top of their head.
Please be Candy.

Wait what? I didn't say anything.

Anyways. I opened my eyes and saw Candy.. she looked adorable. Heh, what am I saying? She always looks adorable. I snuggle closer to her and let her nuzzle her head against my chest. I move one of my hands to hold her head.

"Dipper?" She whispers, sounding tired.
"Candy?" I whisper back. We both pull apart. She looks red and I feel heat on my face, too.
"Sorry!" We both say in unison. She giggles and I feel myself chuckling.
"HEY! YOU TWO SHOULD K--" Grenda tries to talk but Mabel stuffs a piece of toast in her mouth, rushing her upstairs.
"..Well that was weird." I say.
"Yeah." She giggles. She fidgets with her fingers and I notice she's still wearing my hoodie. She looks adorable in it..
"You know, you look pretty cute in my hoodie." I say. I realize what I said and cover my face with my hands. "S-sorry.." DANG IT YOU STUTTERED, DIPPER.
She giggles in response and smiles softly.
"Really? Thanks.." she replies.

Candy's POV

Make a move, Candy. Come on!
I cheer for myself in my thoughts. I gently rest my head on his shoulder.
"Sorry, I just feel so sleepy," I pretend to yawn and gently wrap my arms around his neck. "Can I sleep on you?" I ask.
He turns red and smiles warmly.
"S-Sure.." I can hear him stutter. It's so cute..
He clears his throat gently. He stretches his arms out and lets one arm fall to my side, wrapping around my waist and pulling me in. I re-wrap my arms around his neck again and giggle.
"Thanks, Dipper." I whisper and nuzzle my head into his neck softly. I hear him whisper something to himself but don't exactly understand what he said.
"What?" I ask.
"N-nothing. Just that, you're.. uhm.. you're cute." His blush calms down and he nervously chuckles.
"Well, thanks.. and you're handsome." I say softly. I think we both know what we're doing by now.

..maybe he does like me.

"Thanks." He chuckles. He pulls me closer, blushing. I join in and get closer. I can feel us both slowly leaning into each other..

"SCRAPBOOK OPPORTUNITY!" Mabel takes a bunch of photos and Grenda squeals. Dipper groans and I do too.
"Mabel!" We say in unison. She giggles.
"Sorry. Carry on." Mabel and Grenda walk upstairs after Grenda steals a chip from Dippers bag of Doritos on the desk.
Dipper and I look at each other.
"So.." I swallow hard and he clears his throat again.
"Sorry about my sister." He sighs, looking away.
Aw no! No, please look here I wanna continue!
I hold his chin and bring his face towards mine out of nowhere by accident, I pull him in gently, and..

TBC sorry I haven't written in so long! I've been going through writers block and I really missed writing fanfics so here's the new chapter of this one. Sorry it's so short,I tried

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