Hot Cocoa

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Skye walked inside the barn about ten minutes after Emma did, and Emma quickly hopped up from her seat, walking over with a small wave.

"Hey. How was the rest of your shift?" She asked, coming up to the shorter woman. She had a light dusting of snow on her shoulders, and she'd traded the Santa hat out for a gray beanie.

"Good, helped Mr. and Mrs. Harrison pick out the perfect tree and spent the whole rest of the time trying to figure out how to get it on his Tucson," Skye laughed. Emma chuckled.

"Mr. Harrison has always been the act first, think second type. Him and my dad once spent an hour trying to figure out how to tie a canoe to the car," they walked up to the counter. "Order whatever you want, it's on me since I accidentally laid you out."

"I decided that it's actually on me. It's my first Christmas in town and I need someone to show me the ropes," Skye smiled handsomely. Emma looked away to hide her small smile and blush.

"Nope. Not happening. I'm trying to avoid a lawsuit here. But I'd be more than happy to show you how to survive Christmas in good ole Glacier," she quickly slid her card across the counter to Mrs. Fulton, who was watching them with raised eyebrows. "Can I get a hot chocolate with extra cinnamon?"

"Of course, Emma dear. And what about you, Skye?"

"Can I get a hot chocolate but can I get one of the marshmallows and a candy cane?" Skye asked.

"Absolutely, anything else for you girls?" She asked, looking between them. Skye shook her head.

"I think that'll be it, thanks!" Emma said. Mrs. Fulton nodded and punched everything in, swiping Emma's card and passing it back to her with a smile.

"I'll have that right out for you two," she told them. They nodded and said a quick thanks before heading back to the table underneath one of the heaters.

"So, what brings you all the way out to Glacier, Idaho? Not exactly a hot tourist destination," Emma joked as they sat down.

"Would you like the short version or the long version?" Skye ripped the homemade peppermint marshmallow in half and put it in her drink before stirring it with her candy cane. Emma leaned forward in her seat, elbows on the table.

"Well now I'm intrigued, but I'll take whichever version you want to give. I'm not exactly the poster child for being open," Emma grinned.

"Well, um, I was married at the beginning of the year. And then I wasn't," she chuckled. "I threw a dart on a map and it landed here," Emma winced before raising her cup.

"Cheers to the 'Running Away to Idaho' club," she toasted, Skye tapped their mugs together.

"I'll drink to that," she chuckled. "What do you do for a living that you can fly out here on a whim?" Emma sat up a little proudly.

"I'm a cardiologist," she answered. "I'm a resident over at Massachusetts General Hospital."

"Wow, that is amazing," Skye said in awe. "Are you like a surgeon or like a specialist?"

"Specialist. Surgery's a little too intense for me," Emma laughed. "What about you? What do you do that you were able to drop everything on a whim and buy a bookstore in a backwoods town you hit with a dart?"

"The bookstore was a last-second decision as I was driving through town. I'm an electrician, but I also do wood crafting," Emma raised her eyebrows.

"How do you like that, being an electrician? I've always been curious," Emma couldn't stop staring at her, hoping she wasn't coming across as creepy.

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