finally, another girl (ep 2)

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After spatial jumping back to Elliott's to drop off the guitar, we wandered around for a while longer, deciding to look around for Diego. Before we got very far, I remembered something and tapped Five's shoulder.

"He's probably stalking Oswald again," I commented, making the boy sigh.

"It's sad that you're probably right. Come on, doll." He grabbed my hand as we blinked into the back of a car, where the Hargreeves man and Lila were.

"Well, then why are you doing this?" She asked, her British accent making me smile.

"Because he is an idiot." Five hissed from the backseat, scaring the two adults as they whipped around to see us.

"Who the hell are you?"

The boy gave her a sarcastic smile and wave. "Hi, I'm his loving brother."

"And I just follow this one around because I have nothing better to do. Oh, and I'm also friends with this one." I gestured to Five and then Diego, the man stifling a small smile at my explanation before it dropped as his eyes fell on his brother.

"Who left me to rot in the nuthouse."

"To protect you from yourself."

Lila shrugged and glanced between me and the boy, still shocked. "That's actually quite sweet."

Five, a little ticked off and desperate, leaned towards Diego. "Ditch the crazy lady and come with us."

Lila looked a little offended, to which I gave the woman a small smile and a friendly wave. She gave one back before we both turned back to the conversation.

"I'm not going anywhere with you."

The boy glanced outside the window next to me before an idea popped into his head. "Alright, fine." He then scooted across the seat, pressed up against me as he leaned out the window. "Officer!"

Diego pulled his brother back into the car frantically while I tried to hold back my giggles. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"I hear that there's an award out for you two."

Lila glanced between the two Hargreeves. "He's bluffing."

After a passing moment, I clicked my tongue. "I've only known this guy for a few weeks, and one thing I definitely know is that he never makes an empty threat."

Diego sighed defeatedly. "Fine, I'll go with you two."

"Well, what about me?" Lila asked expectantly, raising an eyebrow at Five. The boy didn't look amused, giving me a side glance.

"We're bringing the crazy lady, whether you like it or not." I said strongly, earning a bright smile from the woman, who reached over and ruffled my hair.

"I like this one."

After that, we all left for Elliott's place once more, driving twenty minutes down the road before we reached the old TV store. We all got out of the car once we arrived, Five waiting for me as I walked around to the other side. He grabbed my hand gently and led us inside, climbing the stairs together only to be met with a shotgun pointed at the four of us.

"Where did you get the tape?! The truth this time!" The man demanded, glancing between the boy and I fearfully despite his angry voice. I sighed and leaned against the railing behind me with crossed arms.

"You know this lunatic?" Diego asked.

I nodded. "New friend."

"He's harmless," Five followed up. Despite his own words, he held his hand out in front of me, subtly stepping halfway in front of where I stood.

moonstruck - a five hargreeves story (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now