first date vibes (ep 2/filler)

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The next morning I was woken up by the smell of coffee and the gentle clatter of cabinets being open and shut. I groaned softly and wiped the sleep from my eyes with a yawn.

I sat up and stretched before a coffee mug was held in front of my face. I looked up to see Five holding it out to me, to which I took gingerly.

"Thanks, lovely," I said tiredly, taking a few small sips.

The boy sat down next to me, placing his own mug down on the table before handing me a folded blazer jacket. "I forgot to give this back to you last night." He explained, making me gasp.

"Right! I'm so sorry that I didn't get your clothes washed yesterday like I planned-" He placed his hand over my mouth, cutting me off with an expectant look.

"There's no need to worry about it. I washed them myself, so you can relax." He assured me, making me roll my eyes playfully and pull his hand off of me.

"Just let me do something nice for you, Hargreeves." I mumbled, twisting the rings on my fingers.

He scoffed and stood back up while grabbing his mug. "Never gonna happen if I have anything to say about it." Five gave me a little smirk before making his way towards the snapshots of his family.

I kept quiet, ignoring my racing heart and heated face as I sipped my warm drink. Elliott walked over, a bowl of cereal in his hands.

"Did you develop these photos yourself?" The boy asked.

The man nodded. "Sure did. Government has eyes everywhere, so I can't exactly drop these off at the local Fotomat."

I watched as Five took an orange video tape box out of his pocket, scratching out the date before handing it over to Elliott. "Can you develop this?"

He looked over the box curiously. "Frankel Footage. Friends of yours?"

He gave the man a sarcastic smile. "Cousins on my robot mother's side. Can you do it or not?" I started laughing, thus making me choke a little on my coffee before immediately washing it down. Both the men gave me a concerned look, to which I shook my head and gave them a bashful smile.

Elliott looked back down at the box before rambling quietly about his process for getting the film developed, little giggles escaping me as I watched Five's face grow more and more annoyed.


The man snapped back into the conversation. "Should take me about five, six hours."

The boy sighed before turning to me and taking a few steps closer, holding out a hand. "Well, we have time to spare. Do you have any ideas?" I gave him a giddy smile and eagerly stood up from the couch, taking his hand. "Should I be worried about that smile?"

I nodded. "Absolutely." I then dragged Five out of the building, throwing a goodbye to Elliott on the way out as we walked down the street hand in hand.

After a few minutes, the boy next to me sighed. "Where are we even going?" I groaned and gave him a nudge.

"It would spoil the surprise." I whined before we finally reached the building I had in mind. A diner with an open mic, where people were enjoying their meals and getting a show from fellow patrons.

When he realized where we were, he gave me a raised eyebrow. "Seriously?"

I rolled my eyes and dragged him inside. "Listen, I've always wanted to come here. I just never had anyone I could do that with comfortably. And if it makes you feel any better, we can leave after a little while."

Five saw the pleading look on my face before he eventually gave in, squeezing my hand gently. "Fine. Only a few acts, though, and then we're leaving." I cheered quietly and pulled him to stand towards the back of the room as a group of four black men went up to the microphone.

moonstruck - a five hargreeves story (sequel)Where stories live. Discover now