Chapter 12

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*Aaliyah's POV*

Today is the day Niall and Liam leaves, making me sad and worried with different mixed emotions. I knew Perrie and Eleanor would help me a lot, the boys included.

"I'm going to miss you," Niall says from beside me, kissing my cheek softly.

"I'm going to miss you too," I sigh, looking at my now frail, pale hands.

I lay my head on Niall's chest, hearing his slow beating heart that will only ever beat for me. I look up to see him looking down at me, neither of us saying a word and instead enjoying the time we have left.

The silence is interupted by a loud crash and a younger voice yelling, Harry's shouting voice followed. I look at my husband once more and smile sweetly.

"Help me downstairs?" I ask and he nods. He stands up and helps me stand, helping me slowly and painfully, for me, down the stairs. When we get to the bottom I see Harry and a girl that looks like Stacey. Same brown curly hair and emerald green eyes but she looks older, almost at age thirteen.

I gasp when I see the girl, breaking the two of their shouting. The girl turns to me and runs, with the speed of a vampire, appearing in front of me in a millisecond. She smiles at me, showing off two sharp fangs.

"Aunt Ali! I missed you so much!" The girl says excitedly and wrapping her arms around me the best she could. Definitely Stacey.

I hug her back and when she pulls away I look at her, astonished,"what happened to you?"

"Apparently vampire children grow quickly a few years after birth. We fell asleep in a tree and when we woke up she looked like this, a teenager. Attitude included," Harry says, scowling at his daughter. Stacey smiles sassily, tuning back to me, frowning.

"Dad told me Liam's vision. I'm sorry, Aunt Ali, Its terrible that's going to happen," she says, wrapping her arms around me once again. Once she stops hugging me, Harry tells her that they needed to get cleaned up and she agrees, telling me she'd talk to me later.

The rest of went as normal as possible, the house completely silent for once. I lay in Niall's arms until it's time for him to leave, then we walk to the front door, where everyone is waiting.

"I'll miss you, I promise, I'll be back as soon as I can. Don't worry so much, we'll both be fine," Niall says, kissing me once sweetly. I nod a little and hug him, laying my head in his chest.

"I'd hate to interrupt, but we have to leave," Liam's voice calls out from behind Niall. I pull away and smile sadly at him.

"Bye, Niall, I'll see you soon," I say, stepping away.


Niall and Liam walks out the door and towards the woods, disappearing into the darkness.


The next few chapters will be very exciting.

XX -c




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