Chapter 2

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*Aaliyah's POV*

A week since my condition had been proven and I still had not told Niall. I almost did a few times but I stopped myself. Today is the day.

I was shopping with Taylor and was going to tell him when I got home, no matter what. I was nervous, of course, but ready for his reaction. Once I got home, I stood outside the front door for a minute before going inside.

"How could you not tell me, Aaliyah?" Niall says, looking at the object laying on the table as I come in the door.

I freeze as I stare at the pregnancy test,"I-I'm sorry, I thought you would be mad."

He stands up and appears in front of me in a second. He cups my cheek with his hand,"I could never be mad at you. I'm happy about this. I just wish you would have told me sooner."

"I know. I meant to, I was just scared. Telling someone that isn't the easiest thing to do."

Niall grins and leans forward, kissing me sweetly. His hands wonder down to my stomach and he pulls away, looking down,"I can't believe my child is in there. It's amazing."

I smile uneasily at him. I still was not used to the idea of being a soon-to-be-mother. The idea was ludicrous and seemed to not stick with me yet.

"Have you told anyone?" Niall asks and I nod.

"Zayn. I was hoping he'd have some advice since he was a father but he just told me to tell you."

He nods a little,"we should go tell the others. I'll text them and tell them to meet at Louis's house."

The next twenty minutes was filled with phone calls, driving, and finally standing in front of my family. Liam was smiling from ear to ear, most likely already knowing what we were going to tell from his visions.

"We have some amazing news, everyone. Aaliyah, would you like to announce it?" Niall asks me, smiling widely.

"I'm pregnant." I say and am almost instantly wrapped in several cold arms. Many congratulations are said and before the night ends, we eat delicious cake.

Once Niall and I are home, I can't help but to be curious and start asking questions.

"Will the baby be human or vampire or something like half of both? How long will the pregnancy last? Will I almost die?" I ask quickly and Niall looks taken aback.

"Depends, I don't know, and no, even if you did I'd turn you." Niall says, smiling at my curiosity,"now let's go to sleep. I'm sure you're tired."


suckish ending but I really don't care.

Bye, loves!

xx - C




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